VHT Caliper Paint


New Member
I painted my calipers with VHT SP739 Satin Black Caliper Paint last night. The instructions were to apply 2 dry coats and 1 one wet coat within 1 hour, allowing 10 minutes between coats. The instructions also say, if additional coats are needed, wait 7 days before applying more paint. VHT caliper paint must be cured at 200 deg F for 60 minutes- they're currently in the oven. My question is, if I cure them, do I still have to wait 7 days to apply additional coats of black or VHT's caliper clear coat? I can't imagine the proper application is to wait 7 days, apply additional coats, THEN cure in an oven? To summarize 2 questions:

1) Can additional coats of VHT caliper paint be applied AFTER curing at 200deg F?

2) If yes to the above question, do you need to wait 7 days to apply additional coats or is the 7 day waiting period ONLY NECESSARY if waiting to cure with heat after all paint has been applied?


charnado said:
I painted my calipers with VHT SP739 Satin Black Caliper Paint last night. The instructions were to apply 2 dry coats and 1 one wet coat within 1 hour, allowing 10 minutes between coats. The instructions also say, if additional coats are needed, wait 7 days before applying more paint. VHT caliper paint must be cured at 200 deg F for 60 minutes- they're currently in the oven. My question is, if I cure them, do I still have to wait 7 days to apply additional coats of black or VHT's caliper clear coat? I can't imagine the proper application is to wait 7 days, apply additional coats, THEN cure in an oven? To summarize 2 questions:

1) Can additional coats of VHT caliper paint be applied AFTER curing at 200deg F

2) If yes to the above question, do you need to wait 7 days to apply additional coats or is the 7 day waiting period ONLY NECESSARY if waiting to cure with heat after all paint has been applied.



Can additional coats be applied after curing? The answer is yes, after 7 days.

I believe this because you say the directions require that it "must" be cured at 200*. It doesn't say "it must be cured at 200* unless you wait 7 days."
I'm not sure if curing at 200 degrees is a must or just recommended.

On the engine paint, they say to wait 7 days before applying additional coats. They also say running the engine can be used to cure the paint. So I don't think they two are really related.

Not my area of expertise at all, but I believe if you apply another coat before the 7 day period, there is a chance that off-gasing of the paint will cause the newly applied layer to not bond correctly and maybe even flake off later.

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