Wrapping a Ducati front fender, tips?


Coast to Coast
Hello, DTT!

I am upgrading the front end of my Z1 to an USD set up and have acquired a really nice ducati monster front fender for it.

I got the duc part because the shape of the fender is very close to the stock unit, and it's really light.

I am soon to try wrapping it in chrome vinyl to see if I can get it to look a little closer to vintage than most sport bike fenders.

The fender shape is a compound curve, and I am curious as to how much stretch the film will have to accommodate it.

I googled for a long time, but only found automotive applications where the curves aren't quite as drastic as a motorcycle fender.

Is there anyone in the DTT with experience with these wraps that can lend some pointers?
(I'll stumble through on my own regardless, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask before I botched it!)
Vinal stretches, you can slap it down, pull some and keep using your squeegee to get it to lay down. Just keep it damp so the glue doesn't set to easy. You can also use a heat gun to help.

That being said, I dont think it'll look like you expect. You would likely be better just getting some chrome type paint and using it.
Yeah, it may not turn out, but I found a remnant of 3M film for $10 so I figured I'd try it.

I was lusting after the brushed aluminum duc fender that Neevo got for his, but couldn't afford it.

I had an early 90's ZX6 front end on it before and I really grew to hate that modern looking, painted fender, so I'm hoping this looks at least as decent as that did.
Leno endorses a sweet spray on chrome 2 part fluid. It's like a paint but bonds to almost anything and shines like perfect chrome. I sure a little google would would help you find it.
Bozz said:
I was lusting after the brushed aluminum duc fender that Neevo got for his, but couldn't afford it.

I was reading this and thinking you had bought the same fender :D
Good to know, Hillsy.

And if it doesn't work out, I'll probably look into the painting options.
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