No babies on planes


Keep it simple- engine, wheels, bars
I think that Southwest should become a baby-free airline. Closed environments and diapers full of shit and screaming ill-behaved babies should be mutually exclusive. If I wanted

to smell shit and hear screaming for two hours I would stick my head down the hole in a port-a-potty and take a blender to my junk.
I'm assuming you don't have kids. If you did this would be pretty tame shit. I've got two little ones and I can attest that it is very normal behavior for a kid to freak out over something and to the extent a parent has no control over it. The kid often literally does not have the mental ability to process the situation nor the emotional regulation to keep themselves calm. Nothing in those videos seems to suggest the kid was being exceptionally bad or that the mother was neglectful. I understand that it sucks when it's in your face like in an airplane but that doesn't mean that we should punish people for a natural and extremely common phenomenon. You were a kid once too and probably reacted the same at some point. If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure the mom probably felt like an asshole.
Or you could just drive. Then you can pick and choose who's in the vehicle with you all you want.
I would rather deal with some children than some of the adult passengers I have encountered.
Too cheap to fly first class, then deal with it. I didn't see anything out of line in those 2 vids. I've seen much worse.
I used to get agitated at this stuff all the time. But I had to realize that the world does not revolve around me or my wants and likes.
I have to agree with the last four comments. Your post says more about you than it does this child or mother or the airline for that matter. It's life, it's not always pretty. I'm not saying you should enjoy it... It is definitely not a pleasant experience. It stinks ( literally I'm sure) :)
As a parent of a 4 year old autistic child i can assure you its not fun for us either. I have to fly to doctors appointments at a moments notice and my kid can be terrified and doesnt understand whats happening around him. But the fact is im puttting my childs needs before yours every time!
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