I'm Torn


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I am in the midst of a dilemma :(
I was rabbit hunting near a house I used to live in, and I saw that the siding/roofing had blown off of the neighbors chicken house. Inside were a few old cars, a boat, and a big twin motorcycle sans tank. Needless to say I am very intrigued with the bike.
BUT the asshole that ownes the property shot my 9 month old (at the time) setter pup in the face with a .22, for chasing his cat, from my barn back home. :mad:
I have not seen him face to face since then, and truly don't know what I would do if he smarted off about the dog.
His late Father owned a salvage yard, and for this bike to be brought home, it may be something special. I hate to see it exposed to the elements if it's salvageable.
::) SSOOOoooo what do you guys think I should do?
Sneak over and see what it is first! Then shoot him in the face and steal it!

Wait, that may not be good advise from a legal standpoint. Just steal it!
Just kidding, have a friend he does not know stop in an inquire about it. See if it may be posible to purchase it and how much it will take.
tWistedWheelz said:
Just kidding, have a friend he does not know stop in an inquire about it. See if it may be posible to purchase it and how much it will take.
All my friends love the pup and want to shoot him in the face ;D
I am a dog lover myself, I have two and would shoot almost anyone in the face to save them, so I understand.

you laugh but if he shot my pup in the face... i would go over there steal that shit and light the rest on fire... fk i would prob light his house on fire to be honest. man i got so pissed off reading that... my dog goes everywhere with me... ahh i would go nuts, frickin APE shit!!!
my advice, steal that shit... ya judge me i dont care... then light that shit on fire... who cares after that... take what you need off the bike, part the rest, or convert it to a bobber, just need a new frame and soon enough you will be ligit... like i said judge me, i dont care, someone like that does not deserve that scoot, check your state laws in know in IL you can only have 2 home built frames a year and liscense them... they check nothing but the frame bud... just saying, thats what i hear ;) at least
go over,tell him he has two options : 1. U can shoot him in the face for what he did to ur dog and THEN ur going to steal his shit; or 2. He can give u the bike and u wont have to steal it,BUT u still might shoot him in the face if he gives u any more shit.bj
I am with Joe... I am not one to normally get too upset... I tend to let things pass most the time, cool down with the understanding that the world tends to even things out. If I am still fuming then all hell breaks loose, but maybe the bike is natures way of telling you to take the bike and burn the place ;)

When I read that he shot your dog, that pissed me off... He a dog for christ sake, a pup at that... it is hardwired into his brain to chase a cat. If you neighbor had any sense he would know his cat is gonna be just fine once he gets up the a tree. People like that are the reason why we are loosing our gun rights.

I dunno about you, but where I grew up, if you hurt another man's dog, he might just be inclined to bury you behind his house in a shallow grave and the local sheriff might just look the other way. Hurting a dog... Thats some real fucked up shit.
This thread is going nowhere good at Mach Chicken speed...

It wouldn't be too illegal (outside of trespassing) to get the bikes vin and run it at the DMV. If nothing shows up (it seems it was brought home and parked) you only found a motorcycle sitting in a barn out in the country who you have no idea who it legally belongs to.

What are your salvage laws about where you live?

And no more talk about shooting. It is some serious shit.

BTW, Yes I love animals, I have a boxer, two cats and ball python.

Just go run the vin first.
I am somewhat against shooting the d-bag in the. Why waste all that angst and effort when you can bash in his grill with an 18" crescent wrench, wait til he heals and do it again.

Next time his cat is in your barn, use your rabbit gun to perforate the thing, bag it up and "return his property"......then hit him in the face with the wrench..
how about you go find another bike and avoid putting money in the prick's pocket
and let his rust and become a useless piece of garbage like he is

move on
there are tonnes of bikes out there
And no more talk about shooting. It is some serious shit.
Too right. Its one thing to spout off on an internet forum about killing somone by 'shooting them in the face', but another to pull some late night gangster move on your neighbour. I happen to be in a country where its particularly finicky to get a firearms licence (not to mention handguns; background check, club membership & 12 months waiting period anyone?) and hate to see people spouting off about doing stupid things with them - its why we got a national tightening of laws in the first place.

Wise up, guys.

That aside, I'd say you at least try and negotiate with him over the bike. If he says anything about the dog say that it'd definitely be worth a drop in the asking price. If he doesn't, bring it up and mention that it might be worth dropping the price over.

Cheers - boingk
I'd say give up on the bike. There's no way that you could talk him into giving/selling it to you.

And shoot his cat for chasing your rabbit/mouse/pet bird/ whatever.

Just kidding. Any more gunshots in your neighborhood and you will just have to move
;D HAHAHA you guys are some passionate animal lovers ;D
The dog thing happened years ago, so I've had time to cool down. I had back surgery and was walking with a freakin walker at the time. So i was forced to be cool 8) The fact that a started bird dog with his pedigree was worth about $1500, and cats were dumped on our street twice a month (we lived just out of town)really pissed me off. The dog lived, but of course is seriously gunshy (wouldn't you be?) and is a little goofy from all the blood he lost before the vet got the artery stitched.
That said I hate the thought of giving the prick a lot of money. But I aint stealin' nothing.
I'll take some binos and see if I can identify the bike from off his property. I just hate to see good bikes/cars rust down, or I'd forget the whole thing and call it karma. 8)
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