Serious Oil Leak Between Cylinders 1&2 - 1980 CB750K DOHC


New Member
So I've got a major oil leak between cylinders 1 and 2 on my bike that coincidentally started after my family's mechanic tried to fix the leak in the valve cover that I couldn't solve. He removed the cam caps to find out they were stripped out and heli-coiled them for me again. On the ride home I discovered a major leak coming from between cylinders 1 and 2. I am 99% sure it's not the head gasket as the leak seems to be coming from below the head gasket and at the rate the oil is coming out I'm almost positive I could see it if it were coming from the head gasket. It's running down the second or third fin down from the head gasket and dripping down onto the crank case.

Could it be coming from that oil line that runs up between the cylinders? I've attached some pictures, but I can't identify the exact source because the frame and exhaust are in the way. Any ideas from some of the experts?
If you throw some baby/talcum powder around where it's leaking you should be able to track down where it's coming out pretty quick
I'll try that this evening. Wash the engine down and let it dry and then throw some baby powder on it and let it run for 20 seconds or so to let the oil start flowing.

In the meantime I am open to any more suggestions on where to look.
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