power washer question guys


Active Member
basically i have a karcher hds 501 which needs two new electrode caps. Not sure if thats an accurate description, basically the there are two spark plug looking things that ignite the diesel to create the steam. The metal caps that connect the ignition wires to them are badly corroded. Karcher want £30 for two new ones so i'm wondering if two spark plug caps would do the same job?
Open up the old oned and check for fancy parts. Diesel works different than petrol. A petrol engine (like mc) sparks around tdc. Diesel engines need their "sparkplug" warmed up. Its called glowplug really. The red-hot plug makes for the first combustion of the diesel in the chamber. Once the chamber is hot from itself the glowplug goed out. Thats why you have to wait wirh turning the ignition key all the way with the diesels.

Well, i connected my glowplug leads on the shop van with AMP rings. I know.. Still works tho
Connect the wires to the plugs and see what happens. Danger - high amps
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