Why does the Michelin Man only throw 2 tires?


Twins FTW
I thought it was funny that the Michelin Man only throw 2 tires on the cars on one side. I hope I am not the only one who caught that.
Yeah, I caught that too and wondered the same thing. Cheap-ass fat bastard, only throwing out 2 tires! hehe!
He's only got two damn hands......cut the rolley-polley guy same slack. LOL
most people can only afford 2 tires at a time now anyways... and those michelins arent cheap!
The only Michelins we have ever owned, squalled going around slow turns like Starsky and Hutch re-runs. ; )
Even the Michellin Man knows when you replace two tires you put them on the same axle!! Obviously the Ad Agency that created the advertisment never had to rotate their own tires. And yes, that ad chaps my ass. It's a cartoon, they could have had the tires magically split and go to all four wheels without too much effort.

Realism...really?? It's a cartoon! If I say The Michellin Man I'd run screaming cause I'd figure he'd grow up to be that giant Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters!!

On the other hand, he does only have two hands...

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