Leather jacket for tall/skinny guys?!?!?!

miracle max

New Member
Hey guys.

Im looking for a nice cafe style leather jacket. But im having a hard time. im tall & skinny and nothing seems to fit. Im 6'1'' and about 160 pounds. Everything seems to short in the torso and sleeves.

Does anyone know where to find a cool cafe style jacket (used or new) for sub $200?
+1, posting so I'll see a reply...

Dude, I feel your pain. 6'5" here.... I got about 60 pounds on you, but at my height clothes seem to be made for the 350 pounders. You'll have a hard time finding a decent leather of any size at less than $300 though.

I'm 6'1" and 165lbs with neanderthal arms, and this fits me perfectly. Just the right length in the back too. This one's for sale and i'm looking to get 200$ for it. I've also got a rare blue TT Leathers' jacket for the same price. Little shorter int he back, but it fits everywhere else the same.
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