Northeast GA


New Member
If anyone needs help with a project whether it be electrical, or mechanical or welding some stuff up give me a shout. I moved from VA to Toccoa, GA.
Why Toccoa dude? I have a CB500-T gathering dust in my shop. What kind of work do you do? I can't find anyone around here who will touch it "because it's too old."
Blake said:
Why Toccoa dude? I have a CB500-T gathering dust in my shop. What kind of work do you do? I can't find anyone around here who will touch it "because it's too old."
You can bring it to Augusta.
I had moved to Toccoa 3 years ago and lived there for a yr.,I didn't know anyone so I moved again.
From my experience, north Florida is more backwoods than South Georgia. I didn't think it could get more polarized/absurd/ backwoods bonkers. Then I worked outside of Toccoa for 6 years. That place is downright scary. There's the Southern mob stuff, the
Millionaire Junkyard family who laundered $ through a Nascar team and disposed of bodies, the SWAT team that threw a grenade on a sleeping baby and killed and framed an innocent preacher, the convenient business fires, the school system that went so bankrupt it is pleading with teachers to work for free through May of this year.

Oh, but the dirt track is pretty great! ;)
I was asked by many folks there "why'd you move here..Why're you here"? ! :mad: not 'welcome,glad to meet you'.... That was enough for me.
You guys are nuts. Taccoa borders the Chattahoochie. The riding is nice around there. It even has an Amtrak stop.
I loved the countryside and riding,yeah,but I moved there alone w/o knowing anyone;everyone I met had lived there for years and it bothered them that "they didn't know me" too clanish for me;it would take too many years to get accepted in that crowd for a 'transplant' like me. ::)
Greetings from Dahlonega!


Taccoa is a nice ride. I'm up for a meet up.
Blake said:
Why Toccoa dude? I have a CB500-T gathering dust in my shop. What kind of work do you do? I can't find anyone around here who will touch it "because it's too old."

Easy man nothings to old as long as you can get parts! :)

HMU and we can get her running.
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