Can I bring my paint back to life?


Been Around the Block
Can I bring my 77 KZ900 paint back to life? Is this an issue of the clear coat deteriorating or is it something else?

Not too sure what I could do. I have waxed it and it doesn't change the appearance, what are y'alls thoughts?


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Looks like the clear coat has been worn through, luckily the paint underneath appears to be in pretty good shape. You could lightly wetsand the clearcoat down with some high grit. Go slow and keep checking the water on your sandpaper - if its white you're sanding clear, if its green you're cutting into the paint. Maybe try to feather the clearcoat edge down to where its completely worn through, and then coat the entire tank with clear. Not 100% sure if this will work, I'd test any method on an inconspicuous area first.
advCo said:
Looks like the clear coat has been worn through, luckily the paint underneath appears to be in pretty good shape. You could lightly wetsand the clearcoat down with some high grit. Go slow and keep checking the water on your sandpaper - if its white you're sanding clear, if its green you're cutting into the paint. Maybe try to feather the clearcoat edge down to where its completely worn through, and then coat the entire tank with clear. Not 100% sure if this will work, I'd test any method on an inconspicuous area first.

All very good advice in general, but it looks like you are past the point of a good repair (depending on the standard you can be happy with). While it is pretty amazing how improved something can be with another shot of clear, there are a couple of things to consider. First, it looks like there is significant checking (cracking)(bottom of last pic) of the otherwise fairly good looking paint. Probably not going to last too long even with another coat of clear to bind it together. Second, the top of the tank is very likely very faded, so that likely will be disappointing even if it all gets glossy. Lastly, the clear that is there may not get along with what you put on top, so test it first as already suggested. Also, even 2k rattle cans are expensive (ish), so consider the time and expense into your thinking. If you do decide to re-clear, spend some time cleaning off the wax etc. with a product specifically intended to remove wax/silicone. Any body shop supply will have this. Do this first (about 10 times!!). If you sand it first, you will grind the contaminants into the surface and it will be nearly impossible to clean without stripping the tank.
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