The Whack Shack (formerly known as The Aviary)


Dolor est Magister Optimus
Aviary~ N: A large cage, building, or eclosure for birds.
I guess that'll work until I can come up with something better :)

Since Scott let the cat out of the bag... this is the "build thread" on my 16'x24' shed/shop.
To give you a little back story on this: When the wife and I went house shopping, roughly 14 years ago, I had one requirement (in two parts). I wanted a garage, or I wanted car access to the backyard so I could build a garage. She had one requirement also. She wanted to be close to her family. The house we bought (the one we're in) Is around the block from her parents. One brother lives on the same block as us (at the other end), one brother lives two blocks over, one brother lives about a mile away, and the last brother was living with her/his parents at the time. Me? I got hosed. No garage, and no car sized access to the backyard. Sooo... I've been grumbling about a shop in the backyard for several years now. We'd been stashing money away for it, but with kids and school and bills and etc. it's been slow going until recently.
Basically this started really moving along back in April when my wife, the wonderful person she is, took all her tax season overtime money and put it with the meager amount of money we had set aside, to finish off the amount needed (guesstimated) to build the shop.
But due to a series of second opinions on how to do it, scheduling conflicts with getting a tree removed, getting mud delivered, and bad weather (including a Hurricane), I've basically been staring at grade stakes for about six months. Things started to come together about two weeks before Barber, but since I was on vacation last week (because of Barber) it's seen alot more progress than ever before.

This where it began...

After the tree removal...

After kennel was moved and yard was shot for grade...

I had 12yds of mud delivered to fill the pit where the tree was, as well as bring other parts of the yard up to grade. I thought I took a pic of this, but apparently not (or I accidently deleted it).
Which brings us to Scotts pic...

This is me, almost finished grading, leveling, and squaring the foundation for the shop. This is a slow tedious process. And it plays hell with ones lower back, hamstrings, and fingers :p . I'll get an actual "progress pic" in a day or two when I'm done.

This pretty much brings it "up to speed". Hopefully it won't be another 6 months before it's finished :eek: , but stay tuned for more updates ;)
Re: The Aviary?

I like New Orleans - maybe time for a barn raising DTT get together!
Re: The Aviary?

Man thats freaking sweet. I always like to get ideas of what people do for their shop/garage. Well good luck with all that, and I can't wait to see what you build (I'm sure you are anxious as well).
Re: The Aviary?

Redbird said:
Aviary~ N: A large cage, building, or eclosure for birds.

This is me, almost finished grading, leveling, and squaring the foundation for the shop. This is a slow tedious process. And it plays hell with ones lower back, hamstrings, and fingers :p . I'll get an actual "progress pic" in a day or two when I'm done.
Unless I want to come over and wrench....muwahahaha. Then He stops to hang out.
I guess I need to start helping him
Re: The Aviary?

Bro you're in nawlins, better go a little higher! Just kidding man. I've mean missing out on a real shop since we built about 4 years ago. The guitar building got put on hold which sucks and there isn't much room for bikes. Should be adding 400 additional square feet to mine by the end of the year. Yours should be fun to build and the weather is right for it now.
Re: The Aviary?

Whew! Welcome to the rodeo Chris! It's SOOOO much work, but in the end I can guarantee it will be worth it! Ask me how I know!

Before long you'll be stocking it with Cheez-its!
The Aviary?

It's almost as fun as building a bike! I just poured the floor in my shop last week after saving up for 2 years. Mine is only 14'x22' but its all about how you use it... Right?


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Re: The Aviary?

so I'm guessing 20x24? thats a good size. If I lived closer I'd be there after work to help you out. I have built probably 4 sheds and 1 cabin that size over the last 10 years and none were for me, all for family and friends. Hope you have a compressor and Air nailers. Cuts time way down when short on hands.
Re: The Aviary?

it is easier to recover from a smashed finger than an impaled hand......
Re: The Aviary?

Man, I wish y'all were closer as well. Every time Scott comes over he makes me stop and wrench on his junk! :p

Kiley, yes it's alot of work. Thankfully this is the most tedious part, and should start rolling along from here (fingers crossed :)) And I can't tell you how many times, even this far, I've mumbled "I wish I could afford to pay somebody to do this for me...". But in reality, like Barker mentioned, it's like building a bike. You can see your progress in steps. And there's the satisfaction of stepping back and saying "I did that". As I'm sure you can attest to :D
Maritime, it's 16'x24'. The original plan was for a 20'x20', but it would've cramped up that side of the yard too much. So I decided to go a little narrower and a little longer to keep roughly the same square footage. And yea, my brother does carpentry work and has a framing nailer. He believes that floor to roof should take 2, maybe 3, weekends. So, (again, fingers crossed) hopefully I'll be moving in around Thanksgiving.

And here's where it stands as of 30 minutes ago... DONE with the foundation.

Well... really about 99.5% Done. I had about four of the pads under the pedistals go rogue on me. Once I centered the pedistals I noticed a few pads were no longer centered, but only by a couple of inches. I'll get them corrected tomorrow. Now I need to get another 12 yds of mud delivered to bring the rest of the yard up to grade. Once that's done, we put the wood to her :D
Re: The Aviary?

Man I built a 12x20 last year just so I could get back in my garage! Enjoy the space caus it fills up quick! Good luck.
Re: The Aviary?

Man o man you got a flat yard lucky sob haha good deal man keep the pictures comming
Re: The Aviary?

Sweet deal, nice blocks! Making a shotgun shop are we? Acadian style garage maybe? Haha, I like how we have to use blocks to keep our feet from getting wet in light rains! Looking good though!
Re: The Aviary?

Nice work dude :) , You will definitely have sense of pride / achievement once it all done (I do ;D ) Are you going to spread some gravel about the area under what will be your raised floor to reduce damp dirt smells if it gets wet?

great place for ideas and tips (as passed on to me ;) )

Looking forward to seeing your shop and ideas man :)
Re: The Aviary?

I had the same requirements for a house, just bought one that didnt even have a shed. This'll be me next year.
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