Info for PA riders...


Over 10,000 Posts
For the new rider. Take the course. Seriously, its free.

The AMA. Lots of great info. Join up if you can.

PA motorcycle inspection laws.

PennDOT motorcycle info

Go make noise!
Some cool stuff.
If your headed here, let Go! know first:
In Ohio, but worth the ride:

Places to stay.
This is just the beginning of this list I hope. I know that there are a million more websites and phone numbers that should be up here, so PM with what you think is missing and Ill ad it. Thanks all!
GO! You know Adam at Liberty Vintage? Thats where I go for all my tricky mechanical issues. Great guys and an amazing shop. I'll most likely be there again tomorrow or the next day to pick up my rear wheel.
It'd be a fun, yet cheap weekend.

I just need to meet up and ride with like minded people/
Everyone should check out it's the Ohio Valley BSA Club and it's only about 30 minutes from Pittsburgh. There is alot of good guys there, it's small but it's a good time. Also there is alot of V-twin guys but they have a great vintage show, and AHRMA racing there. Check them out. Also does anyone know a good local Italian bike guy, I'm working on a bike and I need some special tools.
BigAl8295 said:
It'd be a fun, yet cheap weekend.

I just need to meet up and ride with like minded people/

Some friends and I spent the weekend at the Steel Steed.

We tent camped right at the edge of the river and it was fantastic. I highly recommend the place.

There was a Harley group there. They did their thing and we did ours. There were actually very friendly to us.

The bathhouse is clean and they have a huge fire pit. The river is shallow and swim-able. There is good food close by and a bar next to the campground.

We did some mountain riding and hit Bill's Old Bike Museum.

Rain was coming in so we left Saturday instead of staying until Sunday.

Group camping is $10 a night.
star278 said:
Everyone should check out it's the Ohio Valley BSA Club and it's only about 30 minutes from Pittsburgh. There is alot of good guys there, it's small but it's a good time. Also there is alot of V-twin guys but they have a great vintage show, and AHRMA racing there. Check them out. Also does anyone know a good local Italian bike guy, I'm working on a bike and I need some special tools.
I have been going to Mountainfest every year sence it started. I also go the OVBSAOC every year so I any of you that show up look me up. I do some vending and my Ford Exsplorer has a sign on it that say G&B Lawncare Service. Hope to meet someone from the forum. What are you working on? I have a Moto Guzzi and may be able to help you out.
Sorry I didn't reply sooner but I haven't been on here for a long time. I am working on a 78 Ducati G TO 500. I need a puller.
NEPA Rockers... can be found any given Tuesday at Cooper's Cabana in Pittston through riding season. Very informal. Don't have a Cafe? Come on anyway, we'll help motivate you to get one. Facebook page let's you know what we're up to.


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Any Pittsburghers willing to help with a bike I bought... Nothing fishy, but some work involved ie need a pallet, eye hooks, tie downs and delivery to a shipper.

Tall order, but I have to try. The bike and a list of (light) parts needs to picked up on or before this Friday, guy is moving. I will ofcourse pay for materials in advance and a fee for the work and time. The pallet will need 4 eye bolts for tie downs and a set of wheel chalks to hold it all in place. Parts can be scattered on the same pallet in small (r) boxes.

Any Ideas or offers of advice encouraged... Thanks!,
Might be able to help with a pallet. My company ships and receives out of Pittsburgh. Unfortunately (fortunately), I'm off to the races Thursday so can't help beyond potentially setting a pallet out for pickup. Alternatively, if you could get the stuff moved to my place tomorrow evening I could store it until you come up with more of a plan. I don't own a pickup truck, so moving a loaded pallet is sort of out of the question.
Really appreciate the reply and pallet offer. I think this is just way to short notice to put something together so i'll be heading out early am for Pittsburgh 12 hours is not so bad.
Well safe travels and if you need any thing in Pittsburgh let me know and I will try to help.
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