Honda CB360 shocks?

Dude leave your girl at home ,riding is to hang with the boys,and meet new chicks. Butt honestly i dont know.
I put a set of YSS's on my 350.........they are pretty sweet!

not sure if the answer is too basic but my friend who is unlucky enough to have to scoot his girl around just rocks cb750 shocks on his. can get them used pretty cheap on ebay and they definitely add some beefiness.
lol Sorry about the sarcasm, I was really drunk when I read the first response and a little bit pissy. The yss's look really good. Yea my lady wont be riding w/ me all of the time just on certain days because it is going to be a daily driver. Gas here in good ol Liberal California is killing me in my truck so the drop off and pick up for work is just hurtin my pockets pretty bad.
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