Mikuni Group Buy - Take 2 (VM28s and VM34s)


OK friends,

Following on from the requests in the VM30 thread, I've arranged another group buy with my supplier. Up this time around are VM28s (flat slide) and VM34s.

The 28s are for displacements around 160 to 200 cc per cylinder and because they are flat slides they are generally for racing use. The 34s will do for bikes with displacements of around 300 to 400 cc per cylinder though they will probably work on some smaller two strokes as well. As before, they will come with whatever jetting the factory provides so be prepared to change it. You may also need new throttle cables and/or carb boots depending on your application.

There is a limit of 15 VM28s, but I can supply just about as many VM34s are are needed.

Prices (shipping and insurance is included) are as follows:
VM28 - $110 each
VM34 - $90 each

Payment must be received on or before March 9th as this is when the order will be going into the supplier. Expected delivery date will be around March 20th give or take a couple of days. When ordering the VM30s, please specify if you want a left and a right or a matched pair (basically two left sides).

I'll need to sell at least five pairs to take advantage of the group pricing. Pricing will be slightly higher if not enough people are interested. If we don't have the necessary sales, buyers are not committed. That is, you get your choice of getting your money back or paying slightly more if we don't get enough buyers.

As before, please PM me to arrange for payment.
Ok so I am thinking I cant really justify the added expense and setup time of the flat-sides, so the VM30 might be the way to go, assuming I cant find a servicable set of carbs or the parts to fix the 2 sets I already have. So with that in mind, does your source have mikuni parts as well as complete carbs? Or any idea if the VM30's would be too large for the 550triple two-stroke? This carb thing has me really wound up lol.
The GT550 came with 28's, and I know that larger carbs were used.
Yeah... hit me up with the parts you need and I'll try to get some prices. I would expect VM30s to work on your 550 just fine. My T500 has VM36s on it right now.
Just a reminder: This Friday is the "closing" date of this deal. Make sure you post up in this thread before then if you're interested in getting some new carbs on the cheap.
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