Big Fat Tires???

I am confused at that last post, all 3 of those bikes have vintage looking tires on them and 2 of them have the firestones? But the post is against them.
I am loving that second bike. So you think with that firestone on the back and that other tire on the front is a good choice. I think it looks just as good as the bikes with the fat ones and if it's safer all the better.
None of them will handle worth a damn without a fork brace, heavier tyres will twist the hell out of forks no problem
Pretty sure the 900 C has a WM3 front rim, I've got one here somewhere
If I had the cash I would get K112 front and rear, they have what Conti described as 'limited slip' capabilities to let you know your near the limit (but, if you go a bit further they work fine ;) )
just to add my two cents,, do what YOU want,, and decide up front what do YOU really want to do with your bike,, you built it to do what exactly?? for me i'm into relaxing on a nice sunny day and just riding around peacefully to enjoy the ride and the fresh air,,, and thats how i built my bike,, if you want to drag a knee at 100 , any new honda/yamy/ suz/kawy , will do that safetly and easily , i'm sure you get my point,,.. i've never considered myself stupid yet i would never dream of thinking that i could out engineer all the honda engineer's... so i built my cb 450 to do what i wanted it to do,,, i bet you i never ever go over 50mph ( technically i guess i do half the ton,,lololol) but i smile the whole dude it boils down to this ... do your own thing.... nvp


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I hardly ever ride at all but it is usually around town 35-65mph tops. my cb360 cafe bike has a tire on the front that is too big and it is so out of balance and rides like a lopsided basketball. I am going to have to figure out what looks best and rides right.
One other thing to notice, several of the bikes on first page have shiny tyres probably been treated with something which will probably make them lethal to ride on (like being on ice, on a dry road)
They could also be real old and hard, also real dangerous
The SR400/500 above has a Continental or Michelin rear tyre on front, I recognise it and have used them, just can't remember which it is.
Won't taker to much searching to find out what it is
Swivel pointed out to me it's a Metzeler, I knew I had used them on brothers 400f just couldn't remember who made it
The mudguard mount is going to grab that tyre when you start rolling over 30mph
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