DTT Photo Scavenger Hunt, Interactive Play Along,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: DTT Photo Scavenger Hunt, Interactive Play Along, READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll vote yes also but it should be up to the maker of the original mark, Fingerbanger. What do you say Fingerbanger, Does Redbird's entry qualify?
Re: DTT Photo Scavenger Hunt, Interactive Play Along, READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll vote yes also but it should be up to the maker of the original mark, Fingerbanger. What do you say Fingerbanger, Does Redbird's entry qualify?
You're all lazy!
Re: DTT Photo Scavenger Hunt, Interactive Play Along, READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I knew where my grandpa was at, I could get this one >:l
Re: DTT Photo Scavenger Hunt, Interactive Play Along, READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My photo was just a gag. It was taken sometime last summer and therefore wouldn't qualify anyway ;)
Found a guy that turned 80 last tue only problem was the poor guy could hardly pick him leg up on the curve let alone throw a leg over a bike ! Maybe head to a bingo joint you know thats where the lively ones are ;)
You boys need to learn how to bend the rules, just have grandma/grandpa sit sidesaddle while the bike is on the kickstand. ;)
Too bad my grandfather wasn't still alive as I'd have wrapped this one up on the first day. I could have convinced him to wear hipster shit and flip the bird for the camera too. He was a riot and into everything. Super healthy.

Died, literally, mid-sentence talking to my dad. Aside from some cataracts, he was never sick a day in his nearly 90 years. Still partied it up at family functions and loved to pound back the beer. 8)

What a way to go. No suffering whatsoever.

It was a shock but it really messed my dad up. They were best buds.
First try didn't work so here we go again.

My mom and my aunt, 80 and 83 respectively, for a grand total of 163 years.



For the next photo, how about your bike in front of a statue of a soldier (at least life size). Any era will do.
Day late and a dollar short but i need to post it.


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Redbird said:
Those pics are awesomesauce!

Thanks! It was great meeting you and sort-of running parking on Sunday at Barber. More like an extended BS session.
Took a 20 min. ride in 44 degree weather to get these pics>>>>. Next Mark, "A bike in motion". This was a popular mark on the other site. It was suggested that a thread should be started for this topic alone.


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[quote author=GLENNWOOD55CAMEO] Next Mark, "A bike in motion". This was a popular mark on the other site. It was suggested that a thread should be started for this topic alone.

huge points if noone's on it!
Took a 20 min. ride in 44 degree weather to get these pics

Nice! I'll keep playing till the snow flies then I'm out for the winter unless the group will accept photos with my dual-sport in it

FingerBanger said:
huge points if noone's on it!

I hope nobody wins with that shot of MY bike.
lstuckey1 said:
Thanks! It was great meeting you and sort-of running parking on Sunday at Barber. More like an extended BS session.
Back Atchya Man ;)

I ended up working on the shed this afternoon, and not taking the bike out for a pic. Now I'm glad I did, 1) because I got something accomplished with the shed, and 2) 'cause I'd have gotten beat out by a couple of hours again! :p
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