The Whack Shack (formerly known as The Aviary)

Re: The Aviary?

Redbird said:
Just so we're on the same page... I don't look like my avatar either ;) :p
You'd get a lot more help if you did! Perfect weather for building this weekend.
Re: The Aviary?

Little bit of an update...
Working on it during the week is slow due to my work schedule, but I was able to get the entire area under the shed up to grade as of yesterday.

(it still needs some finish raking)
12yds of mud didn't go as far as I had hoped. I had planned on it finishing out the backyard, but there's only a few wheelbarrows full left. Looks like I'll need another 12yds soon. The good news is, it's not going to stop the shop from moving forward. I can grade the rest of the yard basically anytime. And since I had/have plans to install a pavestone patio on the back of the house after the shed was done, I'll grade out the rest then. I don't think I'll be able to get lumber in for this weekend, since I haven't even shopped around the materials list yet. So we're shooting for the following weekend. I reeeeeeeeally want this done, but I'm not rushing it. Personally, I'm just happy that progress is finally being made, even if it is slow ;)
And here's another gratuitous pic of the slave driving Supervisor...

Von, when your R5 starts progressing faster than my shop... then you can throw stones ;) :p
Re: The Aviary?

Does it look like a cemetery right now to anyone else... or is it just me? :eek:
"Pain is the most gifted teacher" ?
Re: The Aviary?

It's not just you. I've had others say the same :D

"Pain is the best Teacher" ;)
Re: The Aviary?

Just curious, if your building a shed on top of the concrete pads, why do you even need fill dirt under it?
Re: The Aviary?

Because the ground under where the shed is/was roughly 8" below where it should be. Basically I brought it up to grade now, before the shed gets built, so when I bring the rest of the yard up, I won't end up with a lake under the shed when it rains.
Re: The Aviary?

Well,two steps forward... and then a kick in the nuts.

I got my building permit yesterday. During the process i was informed that there's a servitude at the rear of my property. I can't build in/on the servitude. And the back row of pedistals are on the servitude :mad:
Its really my own damn fault, for not getting the permit sooner. But I wasn't "building" anything before now ::)

Oh well, I guess I'll be moving pedistals this weekend :-[
Re: The Aviary?

Well it could have been worse. You could have built the thing and then been told you have to move it. ;D one row from the back to the front isn't too bad. It does suck you have to re-do a bit though.
The Aviary?

Redbird said:
And here's another gratuitous pic of the slave driving Supervisor...

And where was the Supervisor when all the faulty surveying was happening? Probably sleeping or chasing skirts somewhere.
Re: The Aviary?

Maritime, after doing some measuring, it's not too bad. It's actually only 6" into the servitude. So moving all of them would be a pain, it won't be too bad. The easier thing would be to leapfrog the back row to the front, but that moves the shop 4' closer to the house. I was trying not to be that close, which is why I changed from the original idea of a 20'x20'.
Decisions... decisions... :D

Stuckey, I asked him about that and I got a whole backstory on misinformation and code switcheroos. But ultimately he blamed it on poor help and "stoopit pee-ons".
Somehow it got turned around into being my fault! And what's even stranger than that... I think I even apologized for it! :eek:
Re: The Aviary?



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Re: The Aviary?

She's nice. But I want a girl that ain't afraid of getting dirty...

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