What helmets you all got these days?


Been Around the Block
So I need to get a new helmet for next summer, just curious what you all are rockin these days...

Im kinda diggin this and for $200, its not bad actually. The only thing that bothers me is the chrome "DIESEL" written on the back but I could probably get that off. I just cant tell if it cool or cheesy...


Anyways, shoot me some ideas if yall dont mind. Later!!
I kinda feel the same way about the 3/4 helmets. Some love em some hate em. Me, after seeing a huge rock get flung at my buddy and if he was wearing a 1/2 or 3/4 helmet would currently be in the hospital getting his face reconstructed, will always wear a full face helmet. Bell helmets are great just picked up the Bell RS-1 and I LOVE IT! :D Really quiet compared to my old helmet and has a visor lock. If you ride in the winter months like I do it also has a breath box you can get to keep the visor from fogging plus a photochomatic visor so you dont have to carry those pesky sunglasses or an extra visor :)


Photochromatic visor:
I have a bell rs-1 also. Awesome helmet. I don't even have to wear headphones if the bikes quiet. Almost zero wind noise. Plus I can change out my visor in about 10 seconds. True story. My brother timed me.
I just picked up a Moto 3 style, dot approved helmet.
Now I'm just crossing my fingers it's not some scam.
I have the Bell Carbon Star Matte. Very light helmet and virtually no wind noise. Super comfy helmet as well.
gsalter said:
I have the Bell Carbon Star Matte. Very light helmet and virtually no wind noise. Super comfy helmet as well.

I love that helmet...i wish i had the extra cash to drop on one!!!
I've been ridding for 35 years, been down more times on the dirt, street, and track than I can count, and one busted a shoei in half, I haven't worn a open face since the '70's and won't. I like my ugly mug and only trust it to a full face arai.
Sux, as it doesn't really go with the case racer theme. If you have to go old school maybe a full face bell?
I wear a 3/4 Bell around town, but my main helmet that I use is a Shoei RF1100. It is one badass lid. You can find good deals on them, I think I paid $150 for mine.
I like my Scorpion EXO-700 more every time I put it on. ;D
My next may be an Arai XD-4 and RX-Q, but if money is tight I'll get an EXO-1100 instead of the RX-Q. Hell......I may rather have the EXO even if money isn't tight. ;)
Damn, im gonna have to hit the Google up today and check these all out. Ya, im not totally sold on goin 3/4, but I already have a full face and just kinda want something a little different. Thanks for all the ideas.
I just got a bell revolver (Vers 2). Modular. It is pretty sharp. Haven't had a chance to wear it while riding yet since my bike isn't done.

Flugtechnik said:
I just got a bell revolver (Vers 2). Modular. It is pretty sharp. Haven't had a chance to wear it while riding yet since my bike isn't done.


I almost purchased the same helmet because I was interested in a modular although no one around me had it that I knew of and could not try it on. Snagged a killer deal on my RS-1 so I figured why the hell not.
I think im sold on this Nolan. It gives me the option to go full face, or open face, plus integrated sun visor. Basically gives me both helmets in one. I like the style as well and the price is still doable. Only question is, black or that wine cherry color?

gsdapollo: do you have a link other than youtube (blocked at work)?

dane: I couldn't find it or any other Bell local either. Got it from leatherup.com and they have a great return policy so I figured if it didn't fit then no problem. It fits great. Just wish I had a bike to try it on. I get a little claustrophobic in full face helmets when there is no air moving through them, like when I'm starting my bike, so I thought the modular would be great. I don't feel comfortable riding in anything but a full face.

A Nolan Trilogy is on my wish list. I have tried one on and it fit my head very well. The field of view is very good with the large visor too.
Full face all day every day!

I love my Shark S700.


I wanted a vision R because your field of view is HUGE!!! but I couldn't afford it at the time. I got Mine in the UK and it comes with a 4 star SHARP rating which blows the dick off of DOT and SNELL's minimum requirements. I've ruined a few helmets in my time and my advise is buy a good damn helmet. Who cares if you look cool if you've got brain damage or a broken jaw.
Arai profile in basic white. I've worn other brands, but Arai actually makes their helmets to fit different shaped heads- each model is different, from round to oval so you can find one that actually fits you properly. That's also why you should try on several helmets/brands to find what fits you the best. My noggin is more oval, my old Bell Star was an XL, my Arai is a Med. It's also a lot easier to wear if it feels good!
I've got a fullface myself but I love my vintage 3/4 helmets!

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Flugtechnik said:
gsdapollo: do you have a link other than youtube (blocked at work)?

dane: I couldn't find it or any other Bell local either. Got it from leatherup.com and they have a great return policy so I figured if it didn't fit then no problem. It fits great. Just wish I had a bike to try it on. I get a little claustrophobic in full face helmets when there is no air moving through them, like when I'm starting my bike, so I thought the modular would be great. I don't feel comfortable riding in anything but a full face.


Here's the link to revzilla bud

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