Riding boots


Been Around the Block
Do you need to look for anything special when looking for boots to ride safely in? Or is it more having your feet covered by something other than a piece of cloth?
Yup. And I prefer tall boots. Keep your foot from flopping around when you crash. Floppy feet = broken ankles and torn ligaments. I crashed wearing my boots and am pretty sure my left ankle would have been badly banged up in anything else.

I wear these. Super well ventilated. My feet stay nice and cool but they're still warm enough for early spring and late fall riding.

May not need to be said, but boots without heels. The standard "motorcycle" boots are made for cruisers, and anything more than a centimeter or so will catch on your peg. Depending on the size of your feet, they may be too short to reach the shifter, or too long.
I prefer tall boots, without laces. I've actually had laces snag on my pegs and I not know about it until I had to stop and put my foot down. Woulda been disasterous if I was able to shift weight fast enough to switch to my other foot. This happened twice. These were my work boots and on the way to work.
I've always been partial toward motocross boots. No laces, plenty of shin and ankle protection. Unfortunately, with my rear sets, it seems like more ankle flexibility is needed than my Fox boots could provide. Switched back to work boots until I can fund a pair of engineer boots or something.
I bought a pair of these boots, they're made of good leather and the price was great. http://www.leatherup.com/p/Xelement-Boots/Xelement-Mens-Laced-Antique-Grey-Motorcycle-Boot/383518.html

Tim said:
I wear these. Super well ventilated. My feet stay nice and cool but they're still warm enough for early spring and late fall riding.


I have been looking for riding boots for summer. What brand are these pictured above in your post?
I'm considering a pair of these. Does anyone know how tall they are? It doesn't say.

They are the Firstgear Kili Hi boot.


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I'm interested in these because I'm bombing around in some boots I got at Kohl's and dual purpose them for work bc they double as acceptable footwear. They do however lack any real protection and the soles are toast in a few months' wear. However, the price tag for the Rodeos is a touch steep. I could pickup a pair of Red Wings or Wolverine Montgomeries for that. Thoughts?
Let's not mock other's choice in weekend dress-up... to each their own.. ;)

I've had a pair of Daytona Roadstars for a longer than any other boots and they are still going strong - maybe more than 8 years now.. they still aren't that comfy to walk around in but on the bike they feel like they just belong and your feet become part of the bike.

What I look for in a boot is something that has ankle bone and heal protection cos shattering either is not so nice, toe sliders, shifter-area reinforcement, and a steal inlay in the sole to stop it bending in half. I also like to see this in a basic black-leather myself. I also have some SIDI's that I wore on my sports bikes back in the day. I save these for the very seldom track days now.
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