"the Mooch"

carnivorous chicken said:
Tuna! So nice of you to drop by! Miss you buddy! I thought you might've been smart enough to be embarrassed at this shit show and your wholehearted support, but of course not! Nice of you to drop by and call us all gay! That's how arguments are won, amiright? Genius!

Lovely to see you here Chicken. would of thought you to have jumped by now, but you obviously have more ranting to shout... carry on!.
Re: "the Mooch"

Did he clear the swamp or was he part of it? How's the war within the deep state going? Us foreign sods are dying to know, although we have our own shit to deal with.


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Now we've got the all-in Trumpista back (I suspect he was lurking all along but will deny that), I'd be interested to know the good things Trump's been doing, not for him but for the country as a whole, America's reputation abroad, and politics in general. It'd be kind of useless to write a list of all the insane shit that's been happening and the lies that Trump's been telling, because we all know them. The recent tax plan is going to overwhelmingly benefit the uber wealthy -- perhaps Tuna is a closet oligarch? The rise of white nationalism and the alt-right -- anyone going to argue that's a good thing? Increasing violence against minorities? A political system arguably more divided than it's been in the last 150 years?

Enquiring minds want to know.

But I suspect we might get more gay slurs, fart jokes, and whatever other 4th-grade stuff we should expect.
Re: "the Mooch"

carnivorous chicken said:
Now we've got the all-in Trumpista back (I suspect he was lurking all along but will deny that), I'd be interested to know the good things Trump's been doing, not for him but for the country as a whole, America's reputation abroad, and politics in general. It'd be kind of useless to write a list of all the insane shit that's been happening and the lies that Trump's been telling, because we all know them. The recent tax plan is going to overwhelmingly benefit the uber wealthy -- perhaps Tuna is a closet oligarch? The rise of white nationalism and the alt-right -- anyone going to argue that's a good thing? Increasing violence against minorities? A political system arguably more divided than it's been in the last 150 years?

Enquiring minds want to know.

But I suspect we might get more gay slurs, fart jokes, and whatever other 4th-grade stuff we should expect.
At least its funnier than pc-humor!
Re: "the Mooch"

I meant none of it, I am human. But also have no filter and every right to my opinion... too.

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Lol how does someone come to act like that?
Pure unpleasant douche.
Good riddance.
SONIC. said:
Lol how does someone come to act like that?
Pure unpleasant douche.
Good riddance.
I hadn't seen anything from him in a while. Looked the other night, he hadn't been on since like October. Then, Bam.
stroker crazy said:

That's disgusting.

There is a plan being circulated on social media for high school kids to walk out on April 20 unless Congress does something (insert 4/20 joke here). Those calcified in their opinions that nothing can be done about the mass killing in the US will hem and haw and argue that the 2nd amendment trumps all, only criminals will have guns, we need to arm teachers, the only time people bring up the issue is when there is a tragedy such as this, the news never reports when a guy with a gun stops a bad guy -- all the usual BS -- will likely write it off. But goddam, maybe kids can show adults that they care about their safety in schools and are demanding something be done.

And they and other are rightfully, IMHO, calling those who resist or throw up their hands complicit.
Re: "the Mooch"

You all sit here moaning.....

Your the ones who voted him in.

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Re: "the Mooch"

jag767 said:
Damn dude, there's non PC, offensive, and then that.
That shit he wrote was way out of line. If the guy really has no filter he ought to have received a fair share of beatings irl. Too easy to blurt shit without consequence online.
Sounds to me that Tune was royally pissed off with losing his job after moving across country and is just lashing out. I am not suggesting that what he said could be excused, but maybe there was something larger going on in his life.
Re: "the Mooch"

morgs88 said:
You all sit here moaning.....
Your the ones who voted him in.

Well that's simply not true. Voter turnout was at 55%, so 45% of eligible people didn't vote. Those people shouldn't be moaning, although some of those people were disenfranchised so there's that.

Trump lost the popular vote, 46% to Clinton's 48%, so there's that. Less than half of 55% of eligible voters chose Trump.

Of those who did vote for him, many have withdrawn their support because of his actions (although really, if you voted for Trump and expected something different, you should probably get your head checked). His approval rating is at 38%.

The Russia investigation is getting worse, and he became unhinged over it (on Twitter) last weekend in the shadow of yet another mass killing (of children in a school).

Don't know what others here on DTT who oppose this are doing, but many are not simply sitting around complaining on message boards.
Re: "the Mooch"

For bike lads, fuck trump fuck polotics

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Re: "the Mooch"

No I’m just saying you div......
why are people even talking about trump
On a motorcycle forum anyway. Fuck him fuck politics keep this about bikes and bikes only. All you yanks OTT any way

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