"the Mooch"

Absentee doesn't simply mean overseas, though. They come in from all over the country.

As for your Trump question; Dick move.
J-Rod10 said:
Absentee doesn't simply mean overseas, though. They come in from all over the country.

As for your Trump question; Dick move.

Right, which is why I initially wrote overseas and military. Which you ignored.

carnivorous chicken said:
overseas Americans and military personnel

Dick move? I'd agree-- pretty disrespectful for somone who claims to hold the military in such high regard (despite his "bone spurs").

Are we still sending troops to the border?
carnivorous chicken said:
Right, which is why I initially wrote overseas and military. Which you ignored.

Dick move? I'd agree-- pretty disrespectful for somone who claims to hold the military in such high regard (despite his "bone spurs").

Are we still sending troops to the border?
I didn't ignore. I chose not to indulge the attempt to imply only military ballots were being talked about.
On another note, can Ginsburg hold out another 2-6 years? Or, does Trump get a third Justice?
The only surprise here is that we are still surprised by the behavior of cadet bone spurs. He has no interest in the rule of law, or in doing the right thing. This is the man that gloats about using other people's money to get rich and screwing over working stiffs who did work in his casinos etc.

His lies about the economy, immigrants and well basically everything are well enough documented and fact checked. Time for politicians to grow a pair and start to do their actual jobs of oversight.

On the issue of Broward county and it's counting efficiency, there does appear to be a case to answer, but the noise about voter fraud so far is completely undocumented and unverified. No actual claims have been made to authorities - just a lot of political hot air designed to get people wound up. That is hardly what we need from someone in the Whitehouse or congress
J-Rod10 said:
I didn't ignore. I chose not to indulge the attempt to imply only military ballots were being talked about.

Right, there are other ballots that are still legitimate, including overseas non-military ballots. These are absentee ballots, although Florida calls them "vote-by-mail" ballots.

RBG -- she'd better hold out. Two more years or less, I expect. I don't think she'll have to hang in there for 6.
teazer said:
The only surprise here is that we are still surprised by the behavior of cadet bone spurs. He has no interest in the rule of law, or in doing the right thing. This is the man that gloats about using other people's money to get rich and screwing over working stiffs who did work in his casinos etc.

His lies about the economy, immigrants and well basically everything are well enough documented and fact checked. Time for politicians to grow a pair and start to do their actual jobs of oversight.

On the issue of Broward county and it's counting efficiency, there does appear to be a case to answer, but the noise about voter fraud so far is completely undocumented and unverified. No actual claims have been made to authorities - just a lot of political hot air designed to get people wound up. That is hardly what we need from someone in the Whitehouse or congress

Although the right likes to point its finger right back at the left, it does seem the right is the most interested in disenfranchising huge swaths of the population by justifying the ends (huge swaths of the population that are conveniently minorities who lmay lean democratic) with the means (you can't use a PO Box on your state ID if you want to vote; misspelling something or forgeting to check the "Mr., Mrs., Ms." box on your application).

On a related topic, I saw an article today about adding congressional seats, something that hasn't been done since 1910 or so. There is currently one legislator for every 750,000 people. When the constitution was written, it was 1/65,000. The number had been increased a few times up until a century ago, and now it has stagnated. The article looked at an increase of about 150 more seats and argued it would better reflect the population (and not necessarily in a partisan way one way or the other).
There is already established precedent. Seems pretty cut and dry given the context. You never know with the courts though.
Sav0r said:
There is already established precedent. Seems pretty cut and dry given the context. You never know with the courts though.
I can see it both ways. Granted, when someone else is called on, do you get to continue shouting over her with no repercussions?

Way I see it, CNN is free to send someone else.
J-Rod10 said:
I can see it both ways. Granted, when someone else is called on, do you get to continue shouting over her with no repercussions?

Way I see it, CNN is free to send someone else.

Does Trump get to continue being king of the snowflakes with no repercussions?

In your eyes he does.

It wasn’t a hard question to answer.
I can't think of anything in my life that irks me more than folks calling other folks "snowflake."
J-Rod10 said:
I can't think of anything in my life that irks me more than folks calling other folks "snowflake."
Hear hear. Funny thing- My wife and I lived in the Germantown neighborhood in Philly, a few blocks from Chelten Ave. It's a majority black neighborhood (8:1), as you go south below Chelten. The first year we were there going to the library on Chelten, my wife got called a snowflake, but it was because we are white. She was so pissed. It was the only time we ever heard the reference until the last few years. Different connotation, but it pisses us off just as much.


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J-Rod10 said:
I can't think of anything in my life that irks me more than folks calling other folks "snowflake."

Let’s be honest. Name calling is for children. And Trump regularly resorts to name calling instead of answering questions he doesn’t like.

As sad as it is, I’d rather he go back into hiding where he doesn’t hold press conferences. I’m tired of hearing the obsurd excuses people make up to account for the man’s inability to speak intelligently and concisely. This situation is case and point. Trump was speaking over Acosta from nearly the get go. Trump has it out for Acosta and the question being a tough one was more than he could take.
If Trump is able to simply ban reporters whose questions he doesn't like, we will have a press room full of sycophants. The administration tried to bolster its case by spreading a clearly doctored video taken from infowars, one of the most notorious conspiracy theory sites out there.

And the rest of the press conference? Calling PBS' Alcindor's question about white nationalism "racist" (after Trump states that he considers himself a nationalist") and then lying about his support among African-Americans?

** Forgot to add: this is in the context of the FBI reporting yesterday a 17 percent increase in hate crimes in the US, including signifcant rises in anti-Semitic and anti-Hispanic crimes. The report acknowledges that it only counts hate crimes reproted to the FBI, and may be undercounting them by a factor of 40.

How about tweeting that the fires in California are the result of gross mismanagement, when they are not related to forest management?

On a related note, I spent time on my bus ride to work this morning (which was longer than usual because it's damn cold and raining) wathcing this: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/12/opinion/russia-meddling-disinformation-fake-news-elections.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage. It's three parts of about 15 minutes each, and discusses Russian (and other) attempts at disinformation. Where does it end up? You guessed it: the current administration. The term "useful idiot" is a technical term, but well applied in the series.
Porn lawyer was arrested last night. Domestic abuse I believe it was. So much for that 2020 run for him.
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