"the Mooch"

Manafort just oozes mob boss. He has that look. Maybe he'll get cast for Godfather 4, if they ever make one.
I wouldn't be surprised to see his case tossed.

It'll be picked up immediately by someone that has the authority to prosecute it. But tossed out under the Mueller scope.
Good omen for Singapore?


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Re: "the Mooch"

stroker crazy said:
Good omen for Singapore?

Do you think he realizes that canada has a lower population than California?

What exactly does he think he can get from Canada exactly? We have 10% of the population USA does, not exactly a yuuuge untapped market...
He's just a cheap bully and thinks that as King of the US, that everyone else should kow tow to him. What an ignorant ass.
Big meeting tomorrow. If he can negotiate the official end to the Korean War, which seems to be widely expected, he's going to bully his way to a Nobel Peace Prize, and almost guaranteed re-election.

Saw a story yesterday, Kim didn't even have the money to fly all his people, and himself over to Singapore. China loaned them a few planes. Lol.
J-Rod10 said:
Big meeting tomorrow. If he can negotiate the official end to the Korean War, which seems to be widely expected, he's going to bully his way to a Nobel Peace Prize, and almost guaranteed re-election.

Saw a story yesterday, Kim didn't even have the money to fly all his people, and himself over to Singapore. China loaned them a few planes. Lol.

Again, I appreciate your optimism (and enthusiasm?)but...

I don't think very many people expect him to negotiate the end of the Korean War with one sit-down with Kim Jong Un. Possible? I guess. Probable? Not by a long shot, I imagine. Trump and Kim have both proven themselves unstable egomaniacs with thin skins. But the process will -- or should -- take several sessions. Should he win the Nobel for this? I'm going to punt -- that's not for me to decide, but I have a hard time thinking the modern Nobel committee would give a prize to someone accused of so much sexual harassment, who paid off a porn star, who openly flaunts white nationalism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and racism, who has had various members of his administration brought up on charges and who is himself facing an ongoing investigation for obstruction of justice, who lies repeatedly and wantonly, who ignores disasters such as Puerto Rico which led to the deaths of thousands of American citizens, and who has been accused of attempting to scrap the entire Western alliance and who has been accused of acting like a Russian agent or host of Russia Today. A Nobel for Dictator Coddling? Perhaps.

And let's be honest -- Trump isn't bringing anyone with him who knows anything about nuclear science. It's likely he will be lied to or sucked up to by the North Koreans to buy time, etc. I haven't checked whether the price of the commemorative coins is back up to their original price, but it'll be interesting to look for fluctuations after today!

And let me head you off right here -- they're not going to refuse him the Nobel because he's a Republican. But then again, Kissinger got the prize and he should be in jail as a war criminal.
We'll find out in a day or two, my friend.

To clarify on your last paragraph on the Republican bit; Dem or Republican, makes no difference to me. Can't hardly stand either. I'm fairly liberal socially. I'm fairly conservative fiscally. All else, I pretty well fall in the middle. I don't want any President to fail in general, and especially not because of their political affiliation. Nor do I see the point in being the eternal pessimist.

As it stands, us blue collar workers, things are looking great. Manufacturing industry is absolutely booming. I've heard more than a few old times say it hasn't been this good since the 80's/early 90's. Just prior to NAFTA.

To the point. Don't lump people into one group or the other simply because they don't share your view on things. That is precisely what lost Hillary the election.
J-Rod10 said:
We'll find out in a day or two, my friend.

To clarify on your last paragraph on the Republican bit; Dem or Republican, makes no difference to me. Can't hardly stand either. I'm fairly liberal socially. I'm fairly conservative fiscally. All else, I pretty well fall in the middle. I don't want any President to fail in general, and especially not because of their political affiliation. Nor do I see the point in being the eternal pessimist.

As it stands, us blue collar workers, things are looking great. Manufacturing industry is absolutely booming. I've heard more than a few old times say it hasn't been this good since the 80's/early 90's. Just prior to NAFTA.

To the point. Don't lump people into one group or the other simply because they don't share your view on things. That is precisely what lost Hillary the election.

Don't know your affiliations, and I'm not making assumptions nor am I trying to lump you or anyone else into a group, but that is something I have heard repeatedly from people who for some reason or another think that Trump actually has a shot at a Nobel Prize. And the people who are pushing for Trump to have a shot at the Nobel Prize -- before he actually does anything -- are the Republican leadership and his base. I'm also not one to be eternally pessimistic, nor do I wish for things in the US to go down the toilet, but honestly -- this shouldn't be the new normal. People who try to portray the man as idiosyncratic or somehow acceptable because the economy hasn't tanked and he's going to meet with Kim Jong Un (something, BTW, conservatives had a shitfit about when Obama mulled it over).

But again, there is undeniable racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, misogyny, etc., coming from the White House, as well as proven corruption, almost certain collusion with Russia, and almost certain obstruction of justice. Glad that the economy is doing well, but c'mon -- doesn't any of this bother you?
Serious question: What has Trump done to affect any boom in the economy? The GDP is at 2.3% for Q1 in 2018, which matches the GDP for all of 2017. The best it's been since the 80s is 1996 - 2000, where it hovered above 4% and nearly reached 5% in 1999. Everything tanked in 2001 and stayed that way for a few years until 2005. Then 2007 happened and it really tanked. We haven't hit 3% GDP since 2005, and the closest we came is 2015 when TPP and the Iran deal happened.

Most economist describe our current situation as "not bad", which is a little bit different than saying it's good or great.
irk miller said:
Serious question: What has Trump done to affect any boom in the economy? The GDP is at 2.3% for Q1 in 2018, which matches the GDP for all of 2017. The best it's been since the 80s is 1996 - 2000, where it hovered above 4% and nearly reached 5% in 1999. Everything tanked in 2001 and stayed that way for a few years until 2005. Then 2007 happened and it really tanked. We haven't hit 3% GDP since 2005, and the closest we came is 2015 when TPP and the Iran deal happened.

Most economist describe our current situation as "not bad", which is a little bit different than saying it's good or great.
I think it's mainly a shift in where it's happening. Manufacturing is booming unlike it has in many, many years.
Re: "the Mooch"

J-Rod10 said:
I think it's mainly a shift in where it's happening. Manufacturing is booming unlike it has in many, many years.

I will be interested to see what the effects will when the exemptions on steel/Al end on july 1st.
Also wondering how the construction was affected by the lumber tariffs.

I know that the price of a market Hog went from 200-150 in 4 weeks after china announced retaliation tariffs...

Don’t be blinded
Lots of people will loose money here
Most often it’s the consumer at the end, some times the producer eats the loss (nobody eats losses like a pig farmer)
This is a tax in disguise
Re: "the Mooch"

farmer92 said:
I will be interested to see what the effects will when the exemptions on steel/Al end on july 1st.
Also wondering how the construction was affected by the lumber tariffs.

I know that the price of a market Hog went from 200-150 in 4 weeks after china announced retaliation tariffs...

Don’t be blinded
Lots of people will loose money here
Most often it’s the consumer at the end, some times the producer eats the loss (nobody eats losses like a pig farmer)
This is a tax in disguise
It'll only hurt those that buy imported material. All my aluminum comes from Kaiser. Every stick stamped "Made in USA." No noticeable increases yet, don't expect to see any.

I posted a link a page or two ago, China's trying to buy their way out of tariffs. If they do, which is what we want, to lessen the trade imbalance, they pledged to buy billions in additional pork products.

Lumber will rise. It went up considerably beginning of the spring, as it always does. Round about $1 a stud increase then.
Interested in some takes on Singapore.

It seems that the only positive from the meeting seems to be the fact that they met, and it seems they have walked back from the belligerent talk that defined their relationship. But walking up to the brink was also instigated by the both of them, so that doesn't seem so much like progress but rather a return to the status quo. Those whoa re thinking positively think that it could be the start of a new dialogue, but here are some quotes from Trump's post-meeting news conference:

"I think he’ll do it. I really believe that, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing this. I really believe, and — it was really the engine-testing site, in addition to all of the other things that they’ve agreed to do. It was the — they have a very powerful engine-testing site, that again we’re able to see because of the heat that it emits. And, yeah, I’m able to — I’m very happy, I’ll tell you what, I’m very happy with those two points, the two points you mentioned, but I think you might be referring to the thing that’s not in, which is the engine-testing site.

Honestly, I think he’s going to do these things. I may be wrong, I mean I may stand before you in six months and say, hey, I was wrong — I don’t know that I’ll ever admit that, but I’ll find some kind of an excuse."

Many think Trump got played.
-- The meeting itself was recognition of the status as an equal of a brutal military dictatorship with a nuclear arsenal.
-- Trump gave up a lot, without getting a lot. Halting exercises with S Korea, providing security assurances to N Korea, and what the US got was the same vague promise since 1992 to denuclearize. Trump apparently believes this is a huge and new concession; it is not. Bilateral military exercises act as the chief deterrent to a belligerent North Korea -- South Korea and Japan are, as you would imagine, extremely nervous about this. China, however, is very happy about this.
-- There is no wording of a timetable, no concrete promises of how this will proceed, no language on halting testing, nothing about making a declaration of what it has, in terms of nukes.
-- Kim Jong Un promised to return American remains from the war -- but this is repeating a pledge made repeatedly since the 1980s.
-- Kim Jong un comes out glowing in the PR department, with Trump crowing, "He's a very talented man," " I like him," "He's smart and loves his country very much." This is a man who holds the reins of a brutal military dictatorship, who has murdered political enemies including relatives, and whose people live in an Orwellian society based on fear through propaganda and force. Trump thinks he's smart and talented, and likes him.
-- Contrary to high hopes -- there has been no announcement of the end of the Korean War. Nobel hopes dashed?
-- Trump did not prepare for this meeting, and it showed. Trump got played.
-- Iran sent a message to Kim warning him that Trump pulls out of treaties at the drop of the hat.

Optimists are saying this is the start of ongoing negotiations. If so, I hope the Trump administration prepares for the next round and is actually able to win concessions.

I'll leave you with this, straight from Trump's mouth:

"I told him, “You may not want this. You may want to do a much smaller version of this. I mean, you’re going to do something, but you may want to do a smaller version. You may not want that, with trains, super everything at the top. And maybe you won’t want that.”
"It’s going to be up to them. It’s going to be up to the people, what they want. And they may not want that, and I understand that too. It’s a version of what could happen, what could take place As an example. they have great beaches. You see that whenever they’re exploding their cannons into the ocean, right? I said “Boy, look at that view. Wouldn’t that make a great condo?” And I explained, I said, instead of doing that you could have the best hotels in the world right there. Think of it from a real estate perspective. You have South Korea, you have China and they own the land in the middle. How bad is that, right? It’s great."
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