Kartoon Korner!



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The Orange One won't have to display fake magazines at his golf courses any more:


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So, is it Trump or the deep state who ordered the unlawful raid and eviction of u.s russian embassies? Im honestly not following the total confusion anymore, and i do believe with such leadership the u.s would do best in stepping down from the role of world police. I think given the suck-ass security situation in the rest of the world(know where that is, america?) they all agree. We are tired of losing lives and security at the whim of clearly insane u.s leaders and their nato goons. We dont even know who is in charge over there any more.

Mexico still hasn't gotten over the war of 1830 where she lost Texas, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. Now the US wants to have them pay for a wall in their occupied territory?


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Scooter trash said:
Mexico still hasn't gotten over the war of 1830 where she lost Texas, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. Now the US wants to have them pay for a wall in their occupied territory?

The war was actually about a decade and a half later, and many Americans likely don't remember that one of the reasons for it was illegal American immigration into Mexico! I ate lunch yesterday in sight of the Palacio Nacional, seized by the US in 1847.
Not a comic, but comedic. Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from cryin'.
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