Sportster Cafe Build

I work at a Harley-Davidson dealer, I see numerous Sportsters every week, and I must say these two Sportsters you've built are magnificent. The Springer Sportster is simply the most beautiful Sportster I've ever seen. Well done indeed, good sir!

When you go to build that Boardtrack Racer, I definitely will be keeping a close eye on it! I'm always looking for engine resources for them. Very nice.
I love it man. It reminds me of an old 45'' Harley or a pre-war knuck.. Did you ever consider getting those knucklehead clone rockerbox covers for the evo engine? might give it a nice bit of detail.. but the way it sits man I am digging it for sure.The bars and front end are perfect.
DBrevit, would it be silly to ask for a sample of how they.....sound? I’m a sucker for the simple sound of a build. No matter what kind of bike it is, American, German or Japanese I simply love it!

Btw, they look awesome! Love, love, love bike #1 in the thread. Again, they both turned out great. Thanks for the progress pictures along the way.
Very nicely done man!... Both bikes look great... good luck with the sale.
Oh snap that's a beaut, love me a springer front end. Amazing work on both bikes and good luck with the sale mate
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