DIY...Walnut motorcycle service bench

Re: Walnut service bench

pidjones said:
Some day it will have oil stains and gouges - then it will be beautiful!

;D ;D

Speaking of which, how are you going to seal it? Spray on Poly?
Re: Walnut service bench

Stain it with motor oil. Seriously. Look up using old/used motor oil as a wood stain. It's cheap, looks good, and works a treat too.
Re: Walnut service bench

I plan to use up my left overs from the other projects I have done.

Sonics, super secret recipe...Dark Tung oil

And I will add wipe on poly finish.

I used it on both the walnut workmate top and cabinet I made.


Re: Walnut service bench

Nice. I like the wipe on poly. I used 7 or 8 coats on my coffee table. Its quite a bit of work.
Re: Walnut service bench

Finished cleaning glue and sanding the bottom. Amazing how much faster that goes than doing the top. ;)


80 grit done topside. Next 120 and 220. Ugh.


Even added some fancy edges to it. ;D.

(hard to see unfinished, had to adjust contrast a bit.)


Re: Walnut service bench

As cool as it would be and as much as I would like too do it.

I think Im gonna have to pass on checkering the top. It would just take too much time.

So I think I will just score a path w the circular saw. 1/8" deep cuts.
Walnut service bench

Came out pretty darn good. A spray adhesive and pneumatic stapler were key. Thanks bud!


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Re: Walnut service bench

advCo said:
Came out pretty darn good. A spray adhesive and pneumatic stapler were key. Thanks bud!

Heck yeah bro, they won’t even see the seat. For your awesome glass and paint work. 8)
Re: Walnut service bench

top scored.


Almost forgot the dowels. I think 18 per side w 5 on the end cap.

That Gorilla glue is great for this. The dowels were a TIGHT fit and even still just a smidge still cam bubbling up to the top.


Re: Walnut service bench

Started at 4 a.m with an hour break for lunch and a cat nap. :p

80 -150-220 Sanding done, fit the hardware, dis-assembled for tung oil.

I haven't decided if its getting poly or carnauba wax finish.

The pic looks a bit splotchy right now, as the oil is soaking in and drying.

Re: Walnut service bench

irk miller said:
So, will my chopper fit on it?

Possibly, 50" from front axel to rear of engine or center stand is max I would put on it.
Loading it alone...It may hold something a bit longer but I wouldn't chance it.
As long as the engine is "mostly" forward of the pivot, it could work.
With a buddy to help hold the front from tipping back, until situated and locked down. Yes definitley longer.
Re: Walnut service bench, all done but the finishing.

All done but the finishing...castors, tire chock...should be here Wednesday. Thanks Irc for your great ideas. 8)
Along w a small safety prop under the ramp end.

After some reading, Ill do another few coats of oil.

In a couple weeks Tung oil will cure hard. I can then buff it and apply Shellac or just leave it as is.









Re: Walnut service bench, all done but the finishing.

Very nice!
Re: Walnut service bench, all done but the finishing.

doc_rot said:
Very nice!

Thanks bud, the construction is rock solid.
The router-ing is definitley amateur hour. ;D
Rach bought me that router like 15 years ago, and this was its first time out of the box. ::)

But its the imperfections that makes up its charms....right?
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