Recent content by 74cb360t

  1. 7

    CB360 box build - Project Junebug

    Re: CB360 box build - nearing completion Waiting on my gasket kit, finally get to have 2 true exhaust studs on both cylinders and really get my carbs tuned up. Good luck with the build!
  2. 7

    Custom Brat Seat "71 CB350 - Check it out!

    All these ideas and pictures of custom seats really have my brain going off!
  3. 7

    360 City Scrambler!

    Yeah the seat is sweet for sure! I had been a cafe style binge for a bit but really starting to like the swept brat.
  4. 7

    1976 Honda CB360T - The first step is admitting I have a problem build

    Yes, I'm really not happy to get into my 2 broken off inner studs on my 360T...
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