Search results

  1. Csaba

    XS 650 stuff on E-Bay

    Hi guys, stumbled across this stuff last night. He has a bunch of xs stuff as well as some Triumph and even a couple of Norton items. All his auctions start at $0.99 so worth a look. Sorry, heres the link I never thought I would be " That Guy...
  2. Csaba

    Replacing Starter with a Kicker?

    I am seriously considering getting rid of the elecric starter on my '82 XV750 and putting a kickstart in its place utilizing the existing gearset that is currently run by the starter. My question is .. Has anyone attempted this ? and since I have no experience with kickstarts does anyone have a...
  3. Csaba

    Another One from Hamilton

    Hey everyone. Stumbled across the site while doing some reaserch for my first Cafe project. Picked up an '82 XV750 for next to nothing and Im sure most of you know what look im going for. Have'nt done much yet except teardown and looking for cheap clipons and brake light, headlight on ebay. Got...
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