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  1. RMesbah

    Some help identifying some hubs I just got.

    So I just bought a couple of akront alloy rims for a cb350 project and they came with these hubs. The front one is f-ing huge, clocking in at 228mm. Both of these hubs came without their brake plates and I would like to figure out what they are and if I can acquire the brake plates for them. The...
  2. RMesbah

    CB tank wings compatibility.

    So there are tank emblems (the wings and the honda badges) made for several of the 60's/70's CBs and CLs (125, 175, 200, cl90, etc) and they all look like they are the same size but I'm wondering if they actually are. I'm asking because I want to use a set of Black Enamel cb200 wings and badges...
  3. RMesbah

    WTB: CB/CL 350 Carb slide covers caps or whatever you want to call em'

    Got a project with good carbs but totally destroyed covers. This is why people shouldn't be allowed to park bikes outside within 20 miles of the coast. Chrome can be pitted so long as the metal is mostly intact. Willing to spend $15-20 on a pair.
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