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  1. scarlson06

    '91 Ford Bronco Silver Anniversary Edition

    Here is my Bronco. I sold my 2003 Mazda 6 and bought this. It took me a craigslist ride share to Minneapolis and then two greyhound buses to Milwaukee and Appleton, WI to get me to her. 122,000 miles. Minimal rust. Awesome taking her up north yesterday without the top on. Will be awesome when...
  2. scarlson06

    Duluth, MN - 1976 KZ400

    Seeing the other guy from Duluth encouraged me to quit lurking and start posting. I have a 1976 KZ 400 with about 8800 miles on it. It's my first bike. I bought it in June with 6200 miles on it and learned how to ride this summer. Its been a roller coaster ride with fixing this and that and...
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