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  1. M

    New Ace Arrived

    I really like the paint job and mods you've made - very cool. The black paint with red pin stripe gives it a Batmobile look from the 1960's Batman TV series with Adam West. And we all know how cool the Batmobile was. Maybe you should rename it the BatAce and get yourself a cape.
  2. M

    Ace 50 - does anyone own one??

    Hi Haz Still working on getting the bike which includes prying open the Better Half's death grip on the wallet. The reason I'm looking at the 50cc is that, in NZ, it only needs to be registered as a moped and doesn't need a Warrant of Fitness. That means a few things - first it's a cost...
  3. M

    Ace 50 - does anyone own one??

    I'm sure you're right Crazy I think there should be more Kiwis riding Ace's and contributing on the Skyteam board. Once I get mine I'll be happy to be the first.
  4. M

    Ace 50 - does anyone own one??

    I was also wondering - is there anyone else from NZ here on this forum?
  5. M

    Ace 50 Salt Lake Racer

    It's time to make an exciting announcement I've been waiting for confirmation about. On February 28th this year we will be taking the Ace SALT LAKE RACING! The bike looks great and I hope you have some great runs!! For those wondering where the main restriction is in the 50cc exhaust, the...
  6. M

    Ace 50 Salt Lake Racer

    Re: Ace 50 Custom Hi Novgarod I like what you've done to your bike. Have you cleared out the restrictions in the exhaust/header. Having seen one cut up they may well have just plugged it up all together!! Mark
  7. M

    Ace 50 - does anyone own one??

    Thanks Wayne, that was the first thread I read on here. I just thought there might be a few more than 2 or 3 people who own a 50. Mark
  8. M

    Ace 50 - does anyone own one??

    Hi Everyone A query from NZ - I've been looking at getting a daily commuter (as well as being a weekend toy) and have been admiring the ACE at the local NZ importer. For a number of reasons I'm looking particularly at the ACE 50 but most people seem to prefer the 125. I understand that entirely...
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