Ontario Insurance Increase - Intact


New Member
Did anyone else notice in their statement this year that their insurance rates went up? WTF. I just don't understand it. I have one more year of experience driving. A perfect driving record (20 years car, 3 years motorcycle). I have my M2 still and will be getting my full M this summer so hopefully that will help it come down a little.

I'm already with Intact (via easyinsure), so it's not like I can switch.

I'm sick and tired of paying more than I paid for my bike in insurance every year. I still have no idea why there isn't competition. Makes me want to start my own insurance company to disrupt this mess. Now I just have to convince somebody to give me venture capital to get it going....
Give the folks at JR Duffy a call - not sure where you're located but they've always been good about finding me the best deal. If you combine home/auto I think you can get a break on motorcycles as well.

But for my home and car, I ended up at the Co-Operators. Car went down about 30%.
AlphaDogChoppers said:
I pay $10,000+ a year for health insurance, so just STFU! :)

Yes, because it's "free" in Ontario. The doctors and hospitals are paid for with magic beans. It's not like I pay for it though my significantly higher income taxes.

Standard of care is also much higher in the US as long as you have money.

I've lived in both Canada (Ontario) and the States (New Hampshire) and it was pretty shocking how different things were.

In Canada - Doctors interview you to decide if they want to take you on. There is a big waiting list for family doctors.
In the US - You get to look at a huge list of doctors to choose from. You can read reviews about them, and interview several before you choose which one you want as your family doc.

In Canada - You had better have a list written out of what you want them to look at, because you are not going to get much of their time. Most docs force you to only talk about one issue. You likely have 10-15 min of their time, and they have to boot you to take care of the next patient.
In the US - The first appointment with my doc was 2 hours long. We chatted and he just asked a ton of questions.

In Canada - going to the emergency room for something that isn't immediately life threatening? Better bring a book. If all you have is a broken bone, or a bad cut, you're likely going to be waiting a few hours. I gashed my shin so the bone was exposed. It wasn't bleeding bad, and there were much higher priority cases, so I had to wait 7 hours before they could see me to get it stitched up.
In the US - hospitals advertise ridiculous 10-15 minute wait times.

Of course all that said, I prefer Canadian health care. Mostly because I hurt myself really bad when I was young and didn't have a good job or money. If it wasn't for Canadian Healthcare I likely wouldn't have the use of my right arm (or my parents would no longer own their house).

Now that I have money I gladly pay more than my fair share of taxes. It's worth it. Paying it forward.
As an aside (and bringing this back to the point about Ontario bike insurance) do you guys know which insurers in Ontario are willing to cover bikes that are 30+ years old? I have heard that many insurers just don't touch them... but surely some must.

Any thoughts?
And on the health insurance front... best I have ever experienced was while living in the UK... in Birmingham. Great quality, very low waiting times, and virtually everything was covered...

Second to that was while I lived in Japan. The system there was more complicated... you pay 30% of whatever you make use of... be it GP, dentist, chrio... whatever. Keep in mind that Drs in Japan don't make the money they do here generally. The effect of the 30% was to keep idiots out of the emergency room. Have a cold? Stay home. Twist your ankle? Stay home. That said, the Drs in Japan also prescribe far more meds than we do here.... but great place to be if you get sick.

seestheday said:
Jevco and Desjardins are the only ones I know of.

Thanks for the info. I am going to insure my 78 GS750 at some point before the end of this year. At this point it is still in boxes!!!

My Intact policy did go up but not by much. Less than $50. I'll stick with them for now but I need to ride a lot more to make it worth the cost.
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