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  1. CBs CB

    What's your trade?

    Was an Architect for 11 years, my thumbprint is on a dozen or so buildings no one knows. When the economy took a dump I bounced around from firm to firm for 3 of those 11 years and ended up getting taken by a real crook in the end... for two months in our 50+ person firm the Owner/CEO/CFO...
  2. CBs CB

    Where ya ridin'

    Thanks Moetrout. Pinckney's not too bad. I've heard there is some nice riding in the Irish Hills (Brooklyn-ish) but Ann Arbor ya say, eh? 55 would be fine but everything with a corner is 35 and below around here. Need some county roads problem is, not too many of those in the city ::)
  3. CBs CB

    "Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week!

    I'm a total beefcake and this is exactly what I need. Chuck Norris was the final sales pitch. Sending a PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <---- 16 exclamations so you know I'm serious
  4. CBs CB

    October 2015 BOTM Voting!

    first time voter long time looker. good luck to all three!
  5. CBs CB

    "Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week! It says cafe and it's on the internet so it must be true
  6. CBs CB

    "Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week!

    Would love to. Can you spare me an extra $2500?
  7. CBs CB

    Where ya ridin'

    Hey guys, picked up my first road bike this year (75 cb400f) after salivating over it for the past 3 years and I've been lookin for some nice stretches of road with twisties, straights, hills and a decent speed limit. I'm used to trail riding in northern Michigan but need some local blacktop to...
  8. CBs CB

    what's good stuff to use for grip cement ?

    +1 I was skeptical but gave it a try. Grips don't twist. I'm not cranking on them or taking the bike to the track but I have tried to twist the grip it and doesn't budge
  9. CBs CB

    "Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week!

    There's an ass for every seat
  10. CBs CB

    "Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week!

    I keep seeing this guys post show up in the Detroit craigslist too. Been there all summer. Looks like he's blanketing the Midwest. 10k Good luck guy!
  11. CBs CB

    "Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week!

    HOLY SHIT. I'm inappropriately Laughlin hysterically. Hocbj23 you nailed it. Spot on in my experience
  12. CBs CB

    "Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week!

    Welp, it's been around for about a month so I'm guessing he won't get his asking price. Credit him for not budging on his list price though. As for the spray paint falling off, sorry DohcBikes, you must be mis-seeing. The ad states "Beautiful condition". Sadly, this is pretty typical of an...
  13. CBs CB

    "Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week! Definitely interested in the "Ordinal" parts
  14. CBs CB

    Post a pic of your latest purchase

    New clutch cable came in. No pic cause it's not that exciting but I'm back on te road, Wahoo!!
  15. CBs CB

    Hello from Detroit

    Thanks. It all started with that exhaust and then research. It's been a couple few months and I couldn't be happier... until the clutch cable snapped the other day. I got a feeling DTT will be my saving grace on many occasions. Read 3 of Swans's build threads already (2 CB400 builds and just...
  16. CBs CB

    Hello from Detroit

    Hey all, Just bought my first road bike after looking for a few years. I've owned and loved a few classic/muscle cars (they just don't make em like they used too) but always dreamed of a motorcycle. Since birth the sound of one passing has caught my ear and turned my head. A few decades later...
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