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  1. beachcomber

    Beachcomber's Tales from the day

    Happy Christmas one and all. My house sale has finally gone through ...............lets' see what 2025 has in store for me. Ride safe my friends.
  2. beachcomber

    "Tangerine Dream" / Glemseck - KZ750

    Just an update.............. just waiting for the sale to go through on my home of 40 years then split the proceeds with my ex. Most of the essential stuff has now been moved out in readiness for leaving - everything crammed into the 10' x 6' shed that my girlfriend bought for me and we had...
  3. beachcomber

    Beachcomber's Tales from the day

    Thanx Brodie, On the final stretch......... the project has now been moved into a 10' x 6' shed along with all my tools and spares etc. Talk about putting a quart in a pint pot ! I will be moving in with my girlfriend at Christmas and the final odd parts to be made will start and after the...
  4. beachcomber

    Beachcomber's Tales from the day

    Ketchup time ................. health issues now fully resolved and my girlfriend that I am moving in with in November has bought me a 10' x 6' shed / workshop, the largest she could get in her garden space. Most of my tools and important stuff has been moved over and the Boardtracker tribute...
  5. beachcomber

    Beachcomber's Tales from the day

    Any of my Overseas pals into the TV Series "Peaky Blinders" ? Set in Birmingham from 1918 on starring Cillian Murphy. A lot of the series is filmed in and around Birmingham where the story is based. A lot of the filming features a scrap yard and canals / narrowboats. The location is the Black...
  6. beachcomber

    Beachcomber's Tales from the day

    Thanx Tim ....... ready for the next chapter of my life.
  7. beachcomber

    Beachcomber's Tales from the day

    Many thanx for your concern .............. pretty well out of the woods now [ health ] - just the house sale, divying up and moving 60 years of accumulated "stuff" to my girlfriend's house - all before November this year, then I can resume what's left of my life.
  8. beachcomber

    Beachcomber's Tales from the day

    What it's like to be an Octogenarian. With those that matter - my girls [standing ], son in law and Grandchildren - and the new Mrs B.
  9. beachcomber


    Back to the carb set up, this time using an Amal Concentric instead of the SU. I'm now looking to go "big block" with a 250 !
  10. beachcomber


    Thanx for your support Teazer. It was a "just because I can" exercise, plus the fact that I had a spare NOS set up !!! However, the smallest jets I can use would give +20bhp ..... the engine only makes 11 !!!! So back to plan A [ or was it D or E ? ], it's going on the KZ750 twin Cafe Racer...
  11. beachcomber


    New year, new start ......... Two months of Chronic Kidney Disease issues slowed me down [ even more ! ], on the mend now and back to my projects. Welding all completed now, in the end I had to do it myself - lots of promises and no shows from "mates" who said - "yea no problem I'll do that"...
  12. beachcomber

    "Tangerine Dream" / Glemseck - KZ750

    Many thanx for the kind words .................. yes. onwards and upwards. I now have a long term girlfriend / partner who has helped me through the recent bad times .... let the good times roll.
  13. beachcomber

    "Tangerine Dream" / Glemseck - KZ750

    Life's bee a bitch lately ....... expensive and toxic divorce after 40 years, return of kidney problems [ chronic kidney disease ] and a brief flirtation with the big C - all issues [ except forced sale of my house in divorce settlement ] now resolved. I'm in the process of trying to relocate...
  14. beachcomber


    Saddle and tool bag finally finished and trial fitted. I found a Lycett enamel badge in my stash [ ?? !! ], finishing touch.
  15. beachcomber


    I'm still working out how to integrate the NOS after the change from the SU. I'd got it all worked out with the Fogger inserted into the sandwhich block between manifold and carb. Got to start all over withe Concentric set up, but I think there is room to get the fogger drilled and tapped into...
  16. beachcomber


    It's very satisfying when that germ of a thought in your brain works in reality !! The Pyrene fuel log is now completed and functional using an 8mm brass hose tail for the inlet and a 1920's NOS brass fuel tap bought at an autojumble 30 years ago ! That also had to be modified to take another...
  17. beachcomber


    Thanx MT, only the dry build at the moment, but after the last several years I'm glad to be able to get into it properly. VINTAGE PYRENE FIRE EXTINGUISHER - NOW MY LOW PRESSURE GRAVITY FEED FUEL LOG. Ooops caps lock off now. Just some dummy brackets to mock up the position, it will be...
  18. beachcomber


    Switched to the other side now. Handchange quadrant and rods all mocked up. The rod on the quadrant side will have to be shortened to get the correct angle. Need to get a small amount of machining done then I can finalise the system and trial it out. Waiting for copper tube to enclose the...
  19. beachcomber


    Mock up of hand / foot gearchange linkage to cross shaft and foot lever. I'll be at the mercy of welder "mates" to get the mounts fitted for the footchange lever !
  20. beachcomber


    Yes, already done Teazer. They were just POC to make sure that the saddle worked as intended with me sat on it !! As you know - I am NOT a welder so had to make the POC parts from what I had - angle iron !! I've already sent a sketch to my new welder buddy.
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