Search results

  1. N

    78 CB750F parts (Clubmans, fenders, tank, etc...)

    Re: 78 CB750F parts (tank, cafe seat, clubman, etc...) Sorry. Missed that in the first post.
  2. N

    78 CB750F parts (Clubmans, fenders, tank, etc...)

    Re: 78 CB750F parts (tank, cafe seat, clubman, etc...) Do you have a photo of the tail light? Thanks
  3. N

    CL360 Stock Carb Tuning

    Quick question for the experts: I have found some NOS gasket sets (no jets) for my CL360, and some K&L sets that include the jets. Wondering if anyone would suggest going one way or another, based on quality of the K&L. If I am going to run into issues with them, I'd rather get the NOS sets...
  4. N

    CL360 Stock Carb Tuning

    Just got an email back from mike at Jets-R-Us saying he doesn't carry the kits for this carb model. Bummer. I'll email Z1 - since I didn't see any carb parts in the section under carbs at all. Thanks for all your help.
  5. N

    CL360 Stock Carb Tuning

    That's definitely what it said on the sides (little plate facing directly left and right on the lower body). Is there another place another number is listed?
  6. N

    CL360 Stock Carb Tuning

    Sorry to be a PITA, but I'm not seeing them for the CL360 on either jets-r-us or Z1. Is there a different model that uses the same rebuild kit? The ones I have are model 747A. I emailed jets-r-us to check that maybe they don't have them listed as a kit. Thanks
  7. N

    CL360 Stock Carb Tuning

    Gottcha. So jets-r-us has the kits as a whole? I'm down for a total rebuild, the PO seemed to think that routine maintenance was allowing spiders to build high-rent condos all over the bike...
  8. N

    CL360 Stock Carb Tuning

    The bike came with different exhaust on it - and I'm not sure that I will find stock one for cheap (although i would love to, LOVE that look!). I plan on eventually getting the thing going with pods/velocity stacks, so i am sure that it will take some monkeying around to get it straight...
  9. N

    CL360 Stock Carb Tuning

    I am about to order some carb rebuild kits for my 1975 CL360. I have read about the debate (68/68 or 68/110) jet size. Seems you have confirmed the way I was leaning (68/110). Can you tell me if/where you found rebuilt kits with the 110 jet included? Thanks and glad you cleared up you issue.
  10. N

    '77 CJ360T (Café SOS) - Calling it Done (for now...)

    Re: '77 CJ360T (Café SOS) - Tail Painted! This build is coming out beautiful. Just read the entire thread, and I am looking forward to the final outcome. just picked up a CB360, my first twin. Looks like I will be using your build for inspiration and reference. Great work!
  11. N

    CB550-4 cafe' build

    That engine is looking SO good. Great job. One day, I will get around to getting mine out of the frame and going to town on it like this. I can only hope it comes out looking as sweet as yours.
  12. N

    Seat Help

    I'm curious about this as well. I will be dealing without a pan, unless I can find a crap stock one for cheap. There was a cool post somewhere (SOHC?) using an old leather jacket as the material. Definitely adds to the vintage vibe, and can sometimes be had cheap at 2nd hand store.
  13. N

    A few parts...CB750F, CB350 in Brooklyn

    Hey folks. Have been lurking here for a while, and although I know that it's sometimes sketchy when a newbie posts some parts, I am hoping to have these sales help fund my build. Looking at starting a CB350F cafe - and I am sure I will need plenty of help. Hopefully these parts are priced to...
  14. N

    $50 mod thread

    I've been addicted to this thread. Great job folks. The one thing I can add is for CB owners (not sure about other bikes, but I know it's worked for my '76 CB550k). Seems everyone gets their bike with the trip reset knob missing. I went ahead and hollowed out the inside of electrical wire...
  15. N

    New brooklynite saying hey!

    Unfortunately, I don't have a great pic of the CB550. I guess I have been thinking that I'll get one when it's "finished." This is a quick one I took after installing pipes without holes in them. The Vespa shot is from a guy who is doing a photo essay book about scooters. Stopped me on the...
  16. N

    CB550-4 cafe' build

    Curious to see how you make out with this. For that price, even with the problems, you got a hell of a deal in this CB climate. Around here, no title, non-running are going for $1200 sometimes! Ugh!!!
  17. N

    New brooklynite saying hey!

    What's up folks. I have been lurking here for quite some time, but have not really been posting (can't post from an iPad for some reason). I've picked up some great tips, and while I am not yet doing a straight cafe build, I have gleaned some great info. I'm addicted to the $50 mod thread, and...
  18. N

    First Cafe Style Bike 7 months and its done... CL 360

    Re: First Cafe Style Bike and Its finally coming along... CL 360 Looking great! Where did you get that seat? Very subtle. Looking forward to watching the progress.
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