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  1. farmer92

    DTT Quebec

    Sherbrooke [emoji869]
  2. farmer92

    Post a pic of your latest purchase

    Finally bought a big boy toy, after being jealous of all the cool shit people on here were making for the last 10 years.
  3. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    Probably not too far off actually. I’ve got about 10 hours into it now plus a couple hours of planning and preparation and all that’s left is to sheath three branches and then crimp on the connectors. Hopefully I can get that done in about five hours of time but the ECU connecter will be...
  4. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    Thanks man I appreciate the encouragement After the first attempt I realize that an hour or two of planning and preparation will save a lot of time in the long run when putting these together.
  5. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    Another three hours to lay out more of the wires and run a test fit at this point. Everything looks like it should line up a OK. Not much left to do on this harness now other than she thing for the last five branches and then crimping on the connectors Hopefully I can get it to fit through the...
  6. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    Well thankfully it was running like a top when I put it away and hopefully it’s going to stay that way in the spring when I go to take it out. I’m definitely a big fan of the Baja bugs as well [emoji173]️
  7. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    It’s painfully slow and tedious, but i’m glad it’s finally coming along :D After 3 hours of measuring, cutting, crimping etc The 12V+ supply circuits are ready to be laid out. I really like this PDM box, i just wish it had some options for bussing instead of having so many crimped splices...
  8. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    Decided to restart the harness work Wasn’t thrilled with my layout or the lack of for thought that went into it. Went back over the HPA practical wiring course and setup a better plan. Made a template of the harness layout with some rope. Complete with branches and lengths indicated with tape...
  9. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    So like the dumbass that i am, I changed directions again and so instead of the old holset turbo i’ll be running this VS racing 6262. More compact, better flow, quicker spool and lower boost threshold. Should be a far better option. Downside is that now the relocation pipe needs to be modified...
  10. farmer92

    Post a pic of your latest purchase

    That’s funny, i have one almost identical sitting at the back of the shop lol. Champion Blower&forge co. Lancaster PA
  11. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    Finally got the engine popped back in for clearance checks. Hood closes so that’s a big plus, turbo could have been a bit lower and the downpipe will require trimming lots of heat shielding. Might have to go with some heatwrap on the downpipe if i want to keep a 3” pipe and not melt the wiring...
  12. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    Used the manifold gasket to trace out the holes Callipers to find the centers Center punch Several steps of sizes to drill the pilot holes because the final size had a tendency to walk a mm or 2 Got it drilled out, wire brushed up with stainless wire wheel and into the oven to preheat. I...
  13. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    Been making up a couple more relocation pipes with my new TIG, much cleaner welds and way easier to control heat input. A little undersized for the wall thickness of this pipe but she gets it done. Next step will be making a front facing intake plenum, the factory one takes up lots of real...
  14. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    That sounds like a damn good time. Not sure i would want to attempt it with this buggy, best i can do is an hour or 2. It’s fun but not really comfortable for tall-ish individuals unfortunately.
  15. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    Been awhile but... I picked up a little tig welder and some Furick cups It won’t win any beauty contests but I sold the first relocation pipe to a buddy and made a second one. Unfortunately the only part i did with the TIG was the wastegate flange, but it came out about as well as i expected...
  16. farmer92

    Post a pic of your latest purchase

    Bought myself this beauty, wanted a tig machine since forever. Super pumped to test it out and start practicing.
  17. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    More delays lol Waited 2 weeks for the studs for the flanges on the relocation pipe, and instead of sending me 2 sets of 4 studs they sent me 2 studs ‍♂️ Luckily the gaskets were undamaged and the short throw shifter i ordered fit nicely. It sold as being for the r32/r33 gtr’s but it’s the same...
  18. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    Continuing on with the wiring The crimp splices will be covered in dual wall heatshrink. This way the internal adhesive will make sure the joint is watertight and potted. It seems like the open barrel crimps have a little more leeway in acceptable wire cross sections than the closed barrel...
  19. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    Carb used to have a coolant activate choke mechanism (it’s probably an old pinto carb) Obviously this doesn’t work on a bug so someone half ass converted it to an electric choke mechanism, fucked it up so it would never disengage, then solved it by wedging the choke mechanism open with a block...
  20. farmer92

    T-tops and turbo time.

    I wish it was moving along that fast. I’m lucky if i get a couple hours a week to work it but hopefully i’ll be able to get out there more often when the work life goes back to normal. Too much other crap keeps piling up in my shop as well... like this piece of junk. Is this a vintage...
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