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  1. rockcitycafe

    Fiberglass Cafe Seat

    gonna sell it to me or not?
  2. rockcitycafe

    Fiberglass Cafe Seat

    I don't think I'd destroy it, and I doubt I'd even say a word about it, but in the event someone in the future told me I was full of shit, I'd show them the proof. it wouldn't change anything, for some reason you catch a lot of shit for owning a business and *gasp* making a living selling...
  3. rockcitycafe

    Fiberglass Cafe Seat

    ok, gimme. whats your paypal, I'll buy the damned thing and stick it back in my mold, case closed once and for all
  4. rockcitycafe

    Fiberglass Cafe Seat

    seeing it resold doesn't bother me, just feel like I was definitely justified getting panties bunched at the time of the copies being made
  5. rockcitycafe

    Fiberglass Cafe Seat

    similarity as in a direct copy off a part the dude bought from me, but frankly I don't care anymore, I make them cheaper than that garage hack could now anyway and mine are trimmed, and I don't spew styrene vapor and chopped strand into my neighbors yard in order to make a quick buck flame on
  6. rockcitycafe

    Designing A New Air Box

    cool, nice to see someone taking the harder but better route
  7. rockcitycafe

    made some tanks this week

    finished another manx style for a cb750 with a flush instead of monza cap
  8. rockcitycafe

    made some tanks this week

    dressed up a cool buell lightning a local guy was working on
  9. rockcitycafe

    Custom oil tank

    I'm not sure about the check valve, do you have an overflow line running to the crankcase? If not, you really should, and if you do, then you won't need a check valve. If you have a check valve and no line running to the crankcase, here's what'll happen. 1: the check valve is set to allow...
  10. rockcitycafe

    Recommend a Fiberglass kit...

    I'd even avoid those stores, I went to a West Marine once to pick up gelcoat pigment (I buy it in the quart for about $15) they charged me $5 for a 1oz tube... that's a pretty standard markup in that business. If you need lam. resin I find the kind sold by UScomposites or fiberglasssite are...
  11. rockcitycafe

    made some tanks this week

    yup... it's the plight of the business, customers want a non-generic tank that bolts on to their individual bike, but usually order all at the same time and need it asap :) if I could figure out a way to have people order like, a tank every couple weeks all through the year instead of all...
  12. rockcitycafe

    made some tanks this week

    actually it's only about 5 deep right now, when March comes around, everyone orders a tank, so I'm working my pants off until late June then it slows down again
  13. rockcitycafe

    made some tanks this week

    Finished a kit for an RD350
  14. rockcitycafe

    made some tanks this week

    Finished up the EFI Triumph tank
  15. rockcitycafe

    made some tanks this week

    Finished a custom tank for a TZ350
  16. rockcitycafe

    Tried to make some new friends at, what a joke!

    the stock cb750 arm is about a foot long, it goes under the footpeg so the pivot is actually behind the heel. also, yes, those race bike rear drums may look stock on the outside but the internals are usually modified, such as the cam, I suppose an "easy" way to correct for some of the lack of...
  17. rockcitycafe

    Tried to make some new friends at, what a joke!

    that's actually a really bad example, not to slam you (I'm not), but look at the lever ratio, it's tiny, you've got a 5" foot peg, and 2" lever arm, going to the brake arm, you've got force multiplication of maybe 2-3 when it should be 12-20
  18. rockcitycafe

    Tried to make some new friends at, what a joke!

    I do, that's why my rear brake setups use a pivot close to the swingarm pivot :)
  19. rockcitycafe

    Tried to make some new friends at, what a joke!

    pretty much any rearset adapted drum brake I've seen completely neglects to consider the original lever ratio of the stock bike, and to make things easier, usually winds up reducing the lever ratio by at least half, usually it's like 4 or 5 times
  20. rockcitycafe

    Tried to make some new friends at, what a joke!

    it needs to be straight too, the bend acts like a spring so when the shoes make contact with the drum, the bar starts to bend, and it'll never put much pressure on the drum, with that setup, my guess is he could be on the brake as hard as he could and the bike would slow down about as fast as...
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