Side cover matching


Active Member
The tank for my CB360T is Candy Ruby Red, with years of sun fade and patina that I like. My side covers are some other faded color (I picked them up somewhere else). I’d like to paint them so they matched better, but don’t want to do a fresh paint job on them for fear of them looking “Too fresh”. I was thinking I may be able to do a couple light coats of red over the existing color? Any tips or suggestions? TIA.
Good question, and one i’ll be facing soonish on my 550 project.

your side covers are candy orange, faded!, and your tank Candy red.

both these paints have a silver base onto which the candy colour is applied, then clearcoated.

it would be an interesting experiment to clean ip the orange and add a Thin coat or two of the candy red, spray cans are available and One should be enough.

CB360 has two candy red options: Candy Ruby Red and Candy Anterres Red. 1975 is Candy Ruby Red (R4C) with Honda Silver Base. Both the base and color are readily available, but colormatching sunbleached color coat is pretty much out the window without experimentation or scanning.
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