The Norda

That's a revelation seeing that brake lever. I teach an engineering class that races electric cars. We use a thumb throttle and brake lever on a yoke steering wheel, so we have a cable lever to master cylinder. It helps simplify transitioning from drivers that can vary in height from 5 feet to over 6 ft. They're changing the rule next year that requires a master cylinder per front wheel instead of one master cylinder for both wheels. That is a much better design than most anything China is offering.
That's a revelation seeing that brake lever. I teach an engineering class that races electric cars. We use a thumb throttle and brake lever on a yoke steering wheel, so we have a cable lever to master cylinder. It helps simplify transitioning from drivers that can vary in height from 5 feet to over 6 ft. They're changing the rule next year that requires a master cylinder per front wheel instead of one master cylinder for both wheels. That is a much better design than most anything China is offering.
Most 4ls style brakes use a splitter. Going with that style might be easier parts wise. I only say that because the suzuki levers are getting kinda hard to find. Here's a link to a splitter.|tkp:Bk9SR76zxM6KZQ
The brake and NOS lever are scores. I saw one of those brake drums sell for $1000 last year.
Yeah, they can go for crazy money. I've seen the complete levers listed for a few hundred too. There was a cheaper brake on ebay, but for $50 more I chose the one in better shape. I got real lucky and the lever was only $140.

Just looked on ebay, the seller with the cheaper/more corroded hub raised their price over $100. So $550 wasn't a bad deal.
A little finish work and the triples will be finished.
Front axle is almost finished. Just need to check the bearing fit. I want a nice snug slip fit, so I'll polish it into final size. It should be within .0002" of that right now.
It's always great when things work out. Forks, triples, stem, and axle all fit together. Cbr600f4i forks, gt750 4ls hub. Waiting on new bearings to fit it to the frame.
Brake is starting to look better. It was vapor blasted, sanded with 320 grit, 400 grit, red scotchbrite, grey scotchbrite, then metal polish.
It fits, thankfully I got all the measurements right. The forks might end up lowered 1-1.5" internally. That will be decided once the bike is sitting on its wheels. I'll raise the forks in the clamps to figure out how much.
I see you are going to "flat spot" the frame. I've had to do that a few times with Harleys.
Yep, the lower part of the sump was interfering with the frame. I'll weld in a cap to seal it back off. I'll have plenty of room with the solid mounts.
Thats pretty fancy. Ida just mashed the tube flat on top with a big hammer. I got lots of big hammers.
Thats pretty fancy. Ida just mashed the tube flat on top with a big hammer. I got lots of big hammers.
I needed over half the tube out of the way. Plus I can always use more tig welding practice. I know it will be out of sight once the bike is together, but I also feel I can keep the tube straighter this way.
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