1975 XS 650 cafe


Been Around the Block
SO, i've been looking at some of the fantastic work that is being done many people on this site and decided that maybe mine should be on here too. 1975 Yamaha 650.

Long story short, got bored of my 1100 v-star so sold it, for a profit somehow, went for a 3 hour drive to Sarnia and came back with my 650. Rode her for the balance of last summer and had got tired of adding a liter of oil every 100 or so km's. Engine was very tired, stripped the bike down to the cases last fall and didn't do anything with it until two weeks ago. So far have the engine rebuilt 10 thou over with a whole bunch of new bits an pieces throughout, frame painted today and sitting in the basement.


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Re: XS 650 resto-mod

Cases in the basement thawing, top hat went on with some copper permatex, soak your tube of whatever gasket maker in hot water for 20 minutes and it lays out wicked neat lines, and engine complete ready to go into the frame. All my engine machine shop work was done at Auto Service and Supply on Vine in Hamilton, super great guys, good work at reasonable dollars.


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Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod

Hoping the snow will quit at a reasonable time tomorrow, should be able to paint the swingarm and motor mounts, install the swingarm bushings and maybe think about getting the motor back in the frame. I'll get some more pictures up when thats all done, it should start looking like something then....
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod

I've got a "77 xs I am going to start doing when its bearable in my unheated garage. I was wondering what you are planning on doing.
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod

Welcome to the forum! Glad to see another XS build is coming on line. There are a few of us here, but the more the merrier. I'm just starting a '79 Standard cafe build. I'll be interested to see how yours progresses.
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod

Busy busy between yesterday and today, engine is complete and off the bench, ready to come off of its stand, painted the timing covers which should be chrome, black, not sure how I feel about it but thats easy enough to undo...

Frame, fresh paint completed yesterday has taken its place...


And this afternoons efforts, painted the engine mounts, top triple clamp and battery box..


So i've given it some thought over this weekend and I believe i more or less have a vision for this bike, the criteria it has to meet is reliable commuter ( 3 - 4 days week ), able to go two up and at least a 8 out of 10 for the grin factor. Painting the tins is something that i don't have time for right now so i'm going to rock the stock tank and side covers for now, have clubmans, have gaiters, have new reverse cone megaphones to replace the stock whisper mode mufflers that actually muffled, have an electronic ignition. Picked up the alloy fender thats on the left at the Milton swap meet in the fall, thats gonna cover the front wheel, the narrow steelie on the right might fit on the back, i'll figure that out once i have the bike a little more together. Both will get black paint. I have the seat that came with it and a new standard seat from mikes xs. I'm going to strip the original down to the pan a do some sheet metal work to enhance its stature a bit. That'll let me swap out the seats with the removal of two pins for when my better half wants to go for a boot. Bike came with right proper shouldered aluminum rims and the front disc is already drilled so that stuff just gets cleaned up and goes back on. Stock tach and speedo are both pooched so they go in the rebuild for something else later pile, will pick a couple of small 2" guages to replace. So i guess in short this is going to be a cafe styled restoration.... for now. I can never leave well enough alone anyways..
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod **pictures-update feb 21**

Wow! Great progress in rapid time! I wish I could get mine moving at that speed. Seriously, it looks outstanding so far and I like the criteria you laid out for the rest of your build. Should be a great looker and an excellent ride!

Just noticed you were in to older Montesa trial bikes....always been a fan of trials, esp. the older machines from the "golden" era....the Montesas, Ossa, and Bultaco. I've come close more than once to picking up one to restore and ride. Maybe someday!
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod **pictures-update feb 21**

Jackstraw 650 thanks for the encouragement, hopefully reality will realize what my imagination has laid out. As for the Montesa's that's my passion, rode 16 trials with the 172 last year won myself a nice little plaque for first in my division! Great bike but parts are non existent for them, found the 123 in semi running condition as a just in case bike. I'll post some pictures of them when I get near my laptop.
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod **pictures-update feb 21**

Engine is in the frame! Bit of a back breaker but it got there with no scratches so all is well


Bushings in swingarm, should be assembled from outside to in, swingarm, bushing, sleeve and pivot bolt. Sleeve that fit through the bushings oh so nice before they were in the swingarm isn't now... Overnight in the freezer and i'll have another go at that tomorrow, any suggestions on that one??


And lastly a pic my competition trials bike for Jackstraw650. Anybody who is interested in trials in general or vintage trials in specific let me know .... first trial is March 21 southern ontario...


Should be at the tank / seat mockup stage of this build by the weekend, that will be the fun part...
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod **engine in frame**

Thanks for the pic of your Montesa! It is a sweet liittle machine and I'm glad to hear that you ride vintage trials and do so well. I may have to bite the bullet and pick up an old trials bike if one comes along someplace near me. I would even settle for one of the vintage Jap trials bikes just to get my feet wet! Your Yamaha is coming along nicely, also. At the rate you are going, you will be finished before that week is out! Doesn't matter because you are still turning out quality work.
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod

Didn't get as much done as I had hoped this week, that being said things are coming together nicely...

Back end all together - triple trees put together - going to tackle putting together a seat tomorrow..

Had a go at mocking the seat up tonight but everything that I tried interfered with the rear loop or the rear loop interfered with everything I tried, I didn't really want to cut it off but I may end up doing that once I get it out of the basement, maybe sooner, sawzall blades on the to do list for tomorrow! Threw the tank and bars on just to show where i'm headed with this thing... 30ish more days before we get to see the start of some spring weather! Chop chop gotta get moving ....


Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod

I had a go at the seat, thought that I would be able to salvage the stock pan, tack some simple curved sheet metal to it and have a seat, mocked it all up with paper and tape and wasn't happy with either of the two versions that I came up with..



So I totally abandoned that and decided to have a go at the fiberglass route, i've never done it before but heres what i came up with



Precut all of my fabric and set up my custom fiberglass cooker in the garage


And finally a picture of what I have so far, first sand complete ( clamped the belt sander to the workmate upside down and knocked down the big lumps ), needs another 3/8 taken off the bottom and then i'm ready to tackle something that I am good at ... bondo! and framing out the bottom.

All in all i'm happy with what've got so far, not bad for a first try, I think.... Could be a little smoother but it is what it is i'm pretty good with the mastic so that should even everything else out.
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod *** fiberglass seat / tail started ***

Looks good man! I'm seeing a lot of glassing around here lately...good stuff.
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod *** fiberglass seat / tail started ***

build is coming along super fast. What are your plans for the tank?
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod *** fiberglass seat / tail started ***

very nice man, specially to see another xs650. One word of advice, get different clubmans. the ones you have have the bars pinched then welded on to the other bar. They tend to build stress where the pinch is and then Crack and as soon as you get a crack in there, there is no telling when the handlebar will snap. It happened to me. So I'm just trying to look out for you.
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod *** fiberglass seat / tail started ***

love the ol'xs650's.. keeping an eye on this thread..
sharp looking bike. keep it up.
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod *** fiberglass seat / tail started ***

Great bike, but I think a taller hump would suit it better.
Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod *** fiberglass seat / tail started ***

JoeTee - re theTank - gonna stick with what I have for now, PO put a fair bit of time into redoing it and I don't have time before my deadline to get it redone, will be looking for something different at the swap meets this summer and plan on changing it up next winter...

xulf13 - thank you for saving me from learning the hard way - didn't like the way they were sitting anyways now I have a good excuse to procure something a little more fitting....

Good progress so far, thanks for the comments, but burning the candle at both ends to get this done - want it complete and running in the drive way by April 3rd.

So far for today, have the first skim coat of bondo on the seat done and sanded, second coat is on it but i'm not going to do anymore with it til the weekend. Got the forks and gaitors on, axle components, speedo drive, chain adjusters etc coming home with me tonight for a clean up and paint job. Should be on its wheels before the weekend!!



Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod *** bike is forked !! ***

Didn't get a whole lot done this week, but progress is still being made, cleaned, de - junked and painted the axles and stuff that bolts on to them,,,


Front rotor


Front and Rear Spacers


Also found some stainless zip ties for fastening my gaiters as I didn't want to use hose clamps or the like on them


With all that done I bolted the wheels up and its a roller now. I'm at about the limit of what I can do in the basement as far as assembly. i need to keep the weight down and the protrusions minimal to make the trip up the stairs a little easier. Anything that I do from this point on is likely going to be fitted and removed. As for tomorrow I see sanding the seat and some electrical work....

Bike as it sits now

Re: XS 650 cafe resto-mod *** bike is wheeled !! ***

Great job so far! The seat is coming along well and you seem to have everything moving along at a good clip....looks like you should make your deadline. Where did you find those neat zip ties? They look so much better than the plastic ones......I know a couple of places on my bike where they would work great.

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