1970 Honda CB350 Cafe Racer by BOT

The meaning of the name "Lior" is: "I have (לי, li) a light (אור, or)". Love your name it shines through your work it is המוארת המהות הביעה של אלוהים
DesertLab said:
Who produced the "Classic Cafe" seat you decided to run? Thanks.


That's the exact seat:
Lot of time and effort on that one, smoothing out frame sections, great little details on cable clamps, etc.
What is that ignition trigger unit?
Sorry for the 'other post', should check before 'speaking' (I'll blame it on the 3 hrs sleep I get ;) )
I like the copper and black, looks too good to be true 8)
What red tank Ducati is in the background?
I seriously just want to copy this bike in a red/black/chrome look. I can't stop reading through this thread on my free time.

Anyone know what pods these are?

they appear to be shorter than some of the others I've seen. Could just be my vision though
maninblack said:
I seriously just want to copy this bike in a red/black/chrome look. I can't stop reading through this thread on my free time.

Anyone know what pods these are?

they appear to be shorter than some of the others I've seen. Could just be my vision though

the pods are the cheapest chinese pods you can find on ebay. 0.99 cents + $4.00 shipping from hong kong.
This bike is the standard of what you can accomplish with some time and a great work ethic. Major props BOT!
I am sitting here with my jaw dropped. You magician!! Absolute impeccable workmanship right down to the little details in the paint and everything. I love these 350s and have plans to try my hand at building one someday. Thanks for posting this process and keep up the craftsmanship :D
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