1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project [UPDATED July 14th]


New Member
Ok, so I've actually been working on this project for a couple of months now, but I am just now getting around to posting about it. But I have pictures!

Anyways, a bit of history. This CB650 was the first bike my good friend had, and learned to ride on. He bought it from some idiot for $500 who had done a bunch of crap to the thing. When he got it, two cylinders didn't work, the wiring had been all jacked up, and several other issues. Anyways, he got it in running condition, and learned to ride on it. After awhile he sold it to my other friend as his first bike. It bascially sat in storage until I forked over $200 and made it mine. It's my first project bike. I have never worked on a motorcycle before, and have limited experience with cars as well, so it would be fair to say that I am a mechanical noob. This does not mean that I am a robotic newbie, no. I am a human being, but I suck at working on cars, motorcyles etc. That was kind of the point of this project (aside from getting a badass bike), to teach myself to be more mechanically inclined.

So right off the bat, the bike battery is dieing after riding for under 30 min, the third cylinder won't fire, it leaks oil, the wiring of the bike is all messed up, the turn signals don't work, it takes 5 min to warm up before I can even begin to put the choke in, and it runs super lean. Super. So I get to work with my brother, who is very well versed in mechanics.

We take off the seat and tank, and get started:




When we opened the poor bike up, it was pretty bad. Rust, mud, spiders nest. Bad. And freaky on account of the spiders (I hate spiders). After running compression tests, we found that the third cylinder had good compression, and since the bike was already running lean, it looked like a rebuild and cleaning of the carbs was in order. After some painstaking work, we managed to tear them down, clean them, and replace worn parts. We also opened up the fuel line to compensate for both the bike running lean, as well as help balance out the additional air flow the bike would be getting once we installed pods on the bike.

Rebuilt carbs!
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project

Once we got the carbs back, and cleaned the spark plugs, we fired the old girl up.....

VAAROOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! Cold started without a problem, I could put the choke in 5 SECONDS after starting her.... oh man, it brought a tear to my eye. And lo and behold, that silly 3rd cylinder decided to join the party. The bike sounded a million times better! Ok! Time to tear her apart! :eek:

We took apart the front and sent the front forks in the be rebuilt. They were original, and had lost pretty much any suspension that they once had. While that was happening, my brother and me torn the old girl apart:



Stripped all down...

Tank and engine:


Well now the real fun begins. The engine was in really good shape for its age, so we began the rebuild with high hopes. Sure enough as we took it apart, we looked and found that we wouldn't need to do much more then replace gaskets, oil and compression rings, basic stuff, so that was great news.



Anyways, I decided that I was going to go with a dark metallic red for the frame, metallic black for the tank and seat, and the same metallic red running down the top of the tank and seat for a nice racing stripe. The leather seat will also be black with a matching dark red stripe so the stripe will run the length of the bike. Should look hot. The engine is getting blacked out with glossy black (actually just finished this).
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project

So after the engine got torn apart, I started priming it for the gloss black.



Then put on the gloss black and clear coat:



Finally, my brother detailed the lettering with dark red paint. We ran into a couple of hitches here. First, while letting the paint dry, I apparently left the valve stack sit too close to the edge, AND THE DAMN THING FELL! I have never let a barrage of expletives so fierce as the night I walked out to discover it on the floor, picked it up, and saw that a fin had been bent. Upon trying to bend it back, it of course snapped off. *&@(*$&@(*&$#(*@#&%$%!!!

After punching the air, kicking things (which ended up just hurting my foot) and thoroughly scaring my cat, I calmed down, grabbed the worlds greatest tool, the Dremel, and got to work. I cut the fin at an angle, thus making the break a strait edge. Then I rounded the corners and edge. At the end of that, it looked like the engine had been made that way, plus, it would be hardly noticeable once the engine was put back together. Luckily, the cylinders were unharmed, just that broken fin and my broken foot (j/k).
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project

And here is the engine, all put back together and painted. There is still a bit of detailing work to do on it, but it is roughly finished. I am really happy with how it turned out.






Next up was to strip the paint from the tank and frame. Man, there is nothing more fun then stripping and sanding paint. ::) You haven't lived until you accidentally spray yourself with that paint stripper and have what I can only compare the the worlds worst rug burn. But wait, there's more! You get to spend countless hours sanding too! If there is one thing I've learned, its this: BUY AN ANGLE GRINDER! I did not learn this until the end of my paint stripping days, but good lord, with a sanding attachment, that thing cleans up stubborn paint like nobody's business.

So this ALMOST catches us up to where I am today. I ordered a seat, tail light, and turn signals from Carpy (www.cb750cafe.com), and I love them. Last weekend I cut the holes for the lights and my super special custom seat mount (aka a bar tack welded across the frame just behind where the tank bolt goes, high tech and fancy I know). But anyways, the mounting system works and that seat is snug as a bug in a rug (Which coincidentally, likely isn't very snug snice the little bugger could prolly just crawl out, but I digress).
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project

So (man I'm on a posting spree. This is what happens when you put off posting), the next step is to get my paint and get cracking. I went with a custom color from Shermin Williams automotive paint division, and man does it kick ass. I can't wait to show you guys the finished parts, they are going to look great. But the down side is there are five layers. An etch primer to seal and prevent rusting. A Urethane grey primer, the base coat (which is the black with metallic flakes in it), the midcoat (the dark red) and the clear coat. :-\

So yesterday I sanded, and I sanded, and then I sanded some more. Then I cleaned the balls off my tank, seat, and frame and started paitning.

I built myself a little painting booth (It is now sealed with visqueen, but in this pic I hadn't put it on yet):

And I got cracking:

Etch primer! Good lord does this stuff smell bad...



This this brings me to today. As we speak, I am waiting for the 2nd coat of Urethane primer to dry, and I will apply the third and final coat. Then tomorrow, I get the FINALLY lay down some actual color, aka the black paint with metal flecks, and I am really excited. I will post pictures of the primer and black paint tomorrow night, but I wanted to get all of these pics up so you could see how it was coming along. I'd love to hear your comments and thoughts!

Oh and this is my friend who originally bought the bike, about to get his ass kicked for standing that close to my car with an axe.... he tends to break things... alot....

Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project

Very nice work, any pics of the bike before you did any teardown on it??

Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project

Good work man!!! Going to look tits when it is all done. That seat looks identical to the one I had bought from CafeRace, Inc. Nice seat for sure. Where did you get that engine stand?? I want one! LOL I've got an XS650 motor to rebuild. Was going to make my own stand, but I dig the versatility of that one.
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project

I got the engine stand from here:


It's a tab more expensive then other stores BUT they ar edoing free shipping on orders over $75 so you end up ahead.

As for pics of the bike pre-teardown I think I have some around somewhere, let me see if I can dig them up.
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project

Alright, another '79 cb650. Looking good so far. I pretty much just did the basics needed to get it running. Replaced the instrument cluster with LED indicators in the tach and Speedometer right up found here, http://dotheton.com/index.php?topic=7853.0, new homebuilt seat, signals.

I ran out of time between working on 2 bikes last year so mine will just run the way it is for now. Would like to do a complete tear down.


Looking forward to watching this build.
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project

Very nice work so far! You'll enjoy it when she's all back together.
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project

Ok guys, it's been waaaaaaay to long, but I FINALLY got to a point where I have more to show. I've finally finished painting the tank, seat, frame, and the swing arm and boy do they look good! Everything else has the etch primer and the urethane primer on it, so my next step is to both finish painting those parts but more importantly: tomorrow I start to put the bike back together! In about a week or so I'll have a running bike!

Anyways, I wouldn't just tease you guys, the clear coat is still curing, but I snapped some impromptu pics. The lighting isn't the best, but you can get an idea of how the paint turned out. Once the bike gets a bit more together I'll take some better pics. But tell me what you guys think!
















Man, painting is a bitch, but it sure is worth it in the end.
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project [UPDATED May 13th]

Look great! Keep up the good work.
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project [UPDATED May 13th]

Wow, way to break out the bedazzler!
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project [UPDATED May 13th]

Wow, way to break out the bedazzler!
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project [UPDATED May 13th

Gonads and STRIFE! Gonads and STRIFE!

The colors look crazy. I'm not really into metallic all over but I'm interested in seeing how it all ties together. Good work, my friend!
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project [UPDATED May 13th]

Yea it looks over overly sparkely in the pictures due to the flash, which kind of blew out the photos, in person its much more subtle. The red also looks quite a bit darker. Once these bad boys cure, and I get it somewhat put together tomorrow, I'll post some better pictures in natural lighting.
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project [UPDATED May 13th]

Alright, some more progress. I've got the engine mounted back into the frame, so I couldn't resit taking some pics with the seat and tank sitting on top of it. It finally is starting to look like a bike again!

I ended up using a suggestion from someone in this forum, about setting the engine on its side and simply dropping the frame on top of it. Man was that person a genius. I can't remember who mentioned that but it made mounting the engine a snap, and best of all, it makes protecting my paint job just as easy. So here are some pics. Again, I had to use the flash due to low lighting, so the quality isn't amazing, and it tends to blast out the red paint seeing as it is reflective metal, and makes it look bedazzled to all hell. But in person its a much more subtle effect and looks awesome.









In some of these pics you can see where I've wet-sanded, but haven't gotten around to re-spraying the gloss coat, but I will, I promise ;)

On a side note, I just dropped $800 in parts :eek: but they include my new 4-1 exhaust, rearsets, new front tire, new chain, new rear shocks and springs, and some other various parts, and should be the last of my large expenditures, aside from getting the seat upholstered. Boy when those packages arrive, it'll be like Christmas come early.
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project [UPDATED May 17th]

I love it metallic paint looks bad ass on these old bikes.
Re: 1979 CB650 (The redhead of the CB line) Cafe Racer Project [UPDATED May 17th

Ahh damn!
Once the engine's in the frame, it's all downhill from there. Everything will come together quickly. I can't wait to start putting my bike back together!
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