1980 CB750c Trailtech Vapor - What model?


New Member
I am wanting to put a Trailtech Vapor on my 1980 cb750c. There are multiple models available for different modern dirt-bikes, which I would assume means sensor and wiring changes. My question is, what is the best model to buy to put on my bike? Maybe they are all relatively the same, I'd just like to get the best fit.
Depends on what you want it to do. They have entry level Vapors that do about 10 different things and then they go up in options and price range, with GPS and other things.
I think my post may have been been misleading with my use of model. What I mean is that I want the Vapor model by Trailtech, but they have different kit numbers for the same unit, which I would assume has different connections/sensors for the different bikes/atvs that they can be fitted to. This may very well be untrue, but before I go ordering one I thought I'd ask what people have used on the DOHCs.
I always use the universal one. Most of the ones for a specific make and model are late model dirt bikes. Anything vintage will almost always be the universal option. You should be able to phone them up and ask, though.
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