2.75 tires on a stock cl350 front rim?


New Member
will a 2.75 front tire be alright on stock cl350 rim? I've been considering getting a 2.75 shinko 241 for now, and later on upgrade both tires to avons in 90/90/19 front, 100/90/18 rear.
anybody tried the shinko 241s? or even 2.75 tires instead of the stock 3.00?
from what i've found, it doesn't seem like there would be any trouble, but i didn't know if there was any big disadvantage of a slightly smaller tire, or if anybody had any real life experience from one.
the rim is 1.6".
all the rim/tire size charts seem to say it should be fine, but most of the time i hear of people putting 90/90/19s instead of 3.00, which on the charts would be too big.

for example, this chart says that i should run 80/90's if i got metric sized tires, which are pretty hard to find.
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