about to pull engine for the firsf time


Active Member
Ok so after going through some build threads on here it seems that the only way to get a clean look for the bike is to pull the engine to paint the frame. Now I have never done this before so if anyone has advice I would appreciate it. Any tricks to getting the engine out smoothly , and how difficult would reinstalling the engine be
Hmmm......might want to get a service manual or wait for somebody with some experience before heeding my advice......

Most engines come out of the frame on one specific side - just because of the frame shape. And usually it's easiest to take the bike down to the bare essentials: suspension, wheels, frame, and motor. With it as light as possible, and some blankets on the floor, you may be able to lay the bike over on its side and unbolt the motor mounts.

Like I said though, check a service manual first. That's all generic advice.
Yup, I'm not sure on that exact model either but most bikes, especially when working alone, come out easier when the bike is as bare as can be and on its side. Sometimes it's easier on one side or the other or only possible on one side but I would definitely recommend looking into a manual. Haynes, Chilton, Honda, whatever, some are better than others for certain bikes but you usually wont go wrong with a manufacturer manual other than all the specialty tools they say you need that you don't always "have" to have to complete the job correctly... And depending on how particular you are there are several online sites you can download manuals for free and get the information you need... If you're like me you just buy one and end up with a library of manuals you'll only use once or twice. Haha.
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