aftermarket frame


New Member
not so sure where to put this

well a freind of mine was asking me about frames. in cafe racers. the thing is he absolulty loves the cafe racer look. however he wants one built from new parts. he dosnt like the idea of an old 20-30 year old frame in his bike.

he wants a new frame from an aftermarket frame company of some sort.

i have found a few but those are mostly chopper frames. so where could i find an aftermarket frame suitable for these needs.
If he wants a 'new' cafe racer he should buy a new Triumph or other modern 'retro' bike and convert it.

The Kawasaki w650 would be a good modern choice, if you could find one.
Haha nah man - Was talking about the Kawi - Had never seen that bike before, but after just briefly reading about it, seems pretty sweet - one guy called it a more accurate 120 copy that the new Bonnie. Never seen one before though - - Would like to!
If he has the money,

Depending on engine to be put in:Roger Titchmarsh is manufacturing Seeley replica chassis with the approval of Colin Seeley himself:

Roger Titchmarsh Racing
PO Box 8
Summer Bridge
Harrogate HG3 4XQ
Tel./Fax +44 (1423) 781772

This one reproduces aftermarket
He could look at the Royal Enfield Clubman EFI. It has the look.

Maybe not the sportiest option, but a lot cheaper then buying "new" parts to build and old looking bike.
187 kgs seems like a lot of weight for a bike that only makes 28 you guys agree, or is that on par with similar bikes of the same cc's?

For the cost of building a frame from scratch, well its cheap if you build it yourself, could buy all sorts of different newer style bikes and convert them into cafe-ish style. I am thinking early SV650 with old-style full fairings for my next build, but this dude could go all out and grab a Duc sport classic or something like that.
Spondon Engineering. All sorts of frame kits for various bikes including some vintage air cooled varieties. It would be a killer build.

There are other frame kits out of the UK as well, bit pricey but the quality is awesome. Lots of Fighter builds, but you could adapt an old school Cafe treatment easily. If I had the $$$ I'd base a build off of a Spondon.
hardest part about this is getting a custom frame registered.

30 year old stuff can be built to be just as reliable if not more so then the modern stuff.

mechanics fail less often then electronics do. simple as that ;)
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