allergys... i hate them, dont you? reccomend some meds

benarmour said:
I got told recently that my allergies are so bad (i have the highest amount of IgE in my blood the doc's ever seen!) that no meds will effectively work to stop my allergies. YAY!! ;D

Ahhh! I'm on DTT as a break from tutoring for an M1 immuno final that includes hypersensitivities! Git yer IgE and mast cell degranulation outta here :p
JoeTee said:
I have heard that eating local honey helps give your body a kind of "pollen vaccine", ya know bee's and pollen, bee's make honey. Probably not immediate but if you always have allergies during this time of year might want to build an immunity with locally harvested honey.

I have heard rumors of this also . have you tried it?
+1 4eyes!!!

I lived with spring/fall/dust/particulate sensitivity for decades till I bitched out my MD. He told me to get a Nettie Pot and wash the crap out before it became a problem. (Me) WTF??? (Him) Try it, you'll like it!

I got one and between the Nettie Pot, Benadryl (for the swollen passages) and Mucinex (for the junk that infected my lungs when my sinuses were infected) I've not had an episode that kept me out of work for 7 or 8 years!!!

Take a Benadryl every night before bed during the season, use the Nettie Pot in the morning and again in the evening and keep the Mucinex in reserve for bad times!

Doctor recommended, FMTL tested!

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