Anyone want a reflective vinyl print of their username or race number or model?


Been Around the Block
We've had a few folks request that we do up some model vinyl tags for their bikes and I thought I would hit you guys up as well. We're trying to stick to either white or black for these tags but we can get a few other colors...we don't have a lot of options for reflective vinyl.

At any rate, the deal is two tags measuring between 1.5" and 3" high by 12" long...height depends on what it is (GS500E is a taller order than GSX1100E would be without distorting the letters). Of course, it doesn't have to be the bike's can be a Suzuki tag or your username or whatever. I have "nightmare" across my tail in reference to what the bike was when I got her.

The tags are $15 for the pair shipped to the US. I can mail abroad for a little more if interested. On all the forums that I'm hitting up with this, any sale through that forum means a $1 donation to the forum.

I have non-reflective decals for $12 a pair shipped to the US. A lot more color options there.
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