Attempting to bring a Gel Battery back to life


1971 CB350 K3
Hey team,
It's been a while, I know I haven't called or written, but I still love you & want you back...


So I've got a gel battery (about 30 months old or so) from Motto batt. 12v. Cost about $90.00, so I recall. So I took a few weeks off from the bike and came back to it & found it was dead, wouldn't turn over. Left it plugged into the trickle charger overnight, and it just flashed the error light. My voltmeter is dead, so I'm using my dad's old analogue on, and it looks like the voltage is right at or around 12...maybe 11v. But the proof is in the pudding, she still won't turn over.

Its a gel, so I know its different then the ol' acid in yo face battery, but I've heard a couple tricks to recharging making Lazarus's out of these batteries. Let me know if these sound legit.

1.) continue (for days) to charge it constantly with the trickle and reset the "error" light whenever it pops up.
2.) Hook it up to a car battery while the car is running. (a little scary because I know car batteries run at ~14v when running)
3.) Attempt to lie to the warranty-person on the phone about the age of the battery.

I'll take any and all ridicule and comments.

cFogs out
A good charger with an anti-sulfate cycle can sometimes recover a battery. Optimate makes good ones. Where are you located? I've got 3 Optimate chargers as it happens here and only use one of them currently.
Hey there Tim,
I'm located in St. Louis Missouri. Anywhere near you? How much do those chargers go for? I have a trickle charger, nothing fancy, but it may be worth buying a new charger vice shelving out $90 for a new batt...especialyl because I would be tempted to get a small one & attempt to hide it somewhere on the bike....
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