Ban motorcycles? I think not...

I like this comment, which was posted below the article: "What if I were to tell you that the fatality rate for those of us who drive a car or truck is 100,000 out of every 100,000 drivers?"
Am I crazy, or were there comments to that article five minutes ago? Now they are gone. Anyone else notice this?
Uh...the comments below the "Ban Motorcycles" article. They were there, then they weren't. There...then gone! Now they are there. Anyway...a lot of the logic in the comments is stronger than the article itself.
Now, what if I were to tell you that there’s a vehicle on the road today that increases your chances of being killed while driving it by more than 500 percent, producing an average of 72 fatalities for every 100,000 users?

And what if I were to tell you that...
Research indicates that the major cause of motorcycle accidents remains the failure of other motorists to recognize motorcyclists in heavy traffic or at night. Statistics shows that about 70% of the collisions are a result of this

Article Source:

The leading cause of motorcycle fatalities is "right of way" violations, where a car/truck pulls out of a driveway, turns left in front of, or otherwise "cuts off" a motorcycle.
A vast number of motorcycle related deaths could/would be avoided if the people driving the cages weren't as stupid as the author of that article.
Redbird said:
The leading cause of motorcycle fatalities is "right of way" violations, where a car/truck pulls out of a driveway, turns left in front of, or otherwise "cuts off" a motorcycle.
A vast number of motorcycle related deaths could/would be avoided if the people driving the cages weren't as stupid as the author of that article.

So based on your argument, the logical conclusion would be to ban CARS from driving, and instead force everybody to ride motorcycles! Think about it. Increase public transportation, decrease in CO2 emissions, increase in health as people walk more and bike more. Not to mention the thousands saved from auto accidents.

I'm being ridiculous of course. The author of that article must be a moron. The author is from America and last time I checked America was a free country. As in, if you want to you can smoke, sky dive, and basically do whatever you want. Although there may be consequences to your actions if you break a law, there don't seem to be laws in place limiting personal freedom of choice of activity because it's dangerous. Sure they have helmet laws, but this is different. They aren't banning the entire activity.

You know, I bet rock climbing is dangerous as well. In fact, because a certain percentage of people died last year in rock climbing accidents, I think we should ban rock climbing. What about the people who enjoy rock climbing you ask? Well fuck 'em, since we know what's best for them better than they do for themselves.
You could say this about any number of activities people perceive as being unnecessary or impractical, as well as "dangerous."
The article is spot on! Motorcycling is way more dangerous. We need stiffer rates on insurance to cover the extra amount of uninsured fatalities. Registration should also me more if they pollute the air that badly. Harley's with straight pipes should also pay more. Only having two tires is a bad idea too. We should be forced to have run flat tires. Since there are way too many n00b riders they should be forced to have training wheels installed so they can't go as fast around corners and lay the bike down.

This is all BS. It should be like that insurance commercial with bubble wrap.
For some reason the article reminds me of the episode of TopGear where the new Corvette was profilled, which was filled with warning sign stickers and plaques everywhere.
I can easily see a motorcycle ban instituted here in Cali, especially once the new health care plan is fully implemented. An emotional argument would be made about bikes being dangerous child killers, a few billboards put up showing motorcycle crashes and the non bike riding voters would happily protect us from this risky activity, doing it "for our own good".
stopped reading at "I’m not a motorcyclist. What, then, gives me the right to call for the end of what many millions of Americans love to do?"
Know whats fun? go out and count how many cars you see with only one person in them, and no cargo or anything to warrant 4 wheeled use.

its ASTOUNDING. and do it on a beautiful, clear day when motorcycling would be perfect. now imagine each of those cars being replaced by a motorcycle that gets 2-6 times more miles per gallon. and consider that each car could fit about 4 motorcycles in its place. imagine how much less traffic there would be. imagine how the environmental impact would decrease.

fuck, even if they were on scooters. the asian countries have the right idea. more efficient. cheaper. less traffic. whats not to love?
Hahaha, this author sounds like my mom. She forbade me to ride anything motorized with handlebars as a youth. First thing I bought when I made my own paycheck....a bike. Now look what happened to me!!! Preaching at us just makes us more passionate. I truly believe that.
Great point, I have a feeling that the reporter would than have an issue with other possible abnormalities, like for example semi trucks, or train crossings, or jaywalkers...
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