battery question

360 Cafe Guy

New Member
I am building a CB360 racer and have elected to remove the electric starter. The rest of the electrics will be basically stock. I would love to relocate the battery underneath the tail and was wondering if I could run a smaller battery with that setup. Like I said, everything will be stock with the exception of no electric start. Thanks guys,

yes you can, up to a limit. i would stick around the smallest battery with at least a 6mah rating to avoid some problems. if you are worried about killing the battery to quickly you can switch your signal lights to LEDs which will save some battery life due to the low current draw.
I copied and pasted most of this from another post of mine, so here goes.

I replaced my 12v 9Ah battery with a 3Ah one. The links below will give you an idea of exactly what you'd be dealing with. The cost to me was free because it was sulphated and they wanted rid of the thing (overnight charge fixed it), but the list price was AU$32. Should be less in US$ by a decent amount. Item code was YB3L-A or YB3L-B depending on terminal arrangement.


So, big size difference. Also a weight saving in the region of 3.5 pounds (1750g)! Didn't find any considerable difference in starter willingness, either, and the electrical system likes the new battery fine. Only problem is getting it to sit right, either make a proper box or pad with styrofoam or something. Verdict? Get one; they're cheap, small, light and they work.

Cheers - boingk
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